Page 73 of Corrupt Prince

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My stomach rolled every time I thought about it, guilt plaguing me.

I wanted to tell Coulter, I really did. But in the short time I’d had to say something last night, I’d opened my mouth, intending to tell him, but nothing came out. Rose said no one, and I had to keep my promise.

The wedding was beautiful, although Rose didn’t have much time to talk to me, so I mingled, meeting men and women from all over the world. There seemed to be a common, underlying feel to the audience.

Most of the people here were mafia.

In the end, I ended up hanging out with a scowling Dante for the rest of the day and through the beginning of the reception. Just as everyone was sitting for the wedding dinner, I glanced towards the table at the head of the room.

Coulter was standing behind it, talking to his father. They were next to Bourbon, who was pulling out a chair for Rose.

I fidgeted, not knowing where to go, when Coulter looked my way.

His golden eyes met mine for the first time today. Suddenly the world around me fell away and it was just me and him.

I knew in my heart that I couldn't betray him.

Despite the fact that he was helping keep me prisoner, he could've been so much worse.

Could've treated me how Nero treated those women.

Despite everything, Coulter had not only been good to me, but he'd wiggled his way into my heart, and I knew that I couldn't leave him.

Not like this.

And possibly, not eve—I stopped the thought in its tracks.

He looked away, giving a significant look to Dante, and I pulled in a deep breath.

I had to talk to Rose, tell her I wasn’t leaving. I felt like I was letting her down, but if I could just explain to her how I felt about Coulter, how kind he'd been to me, she would understand.

Trying to be discreet, since I was leaving just as everyone was sitting down to eat, I ducked low, making my way towards the side of the room. I’d hoped to be discreet by avoiding the crowd in the middle of the room.

As soon as I made it to the wall, a hand clasped around my arm.

It was Dante. His cold eyes stared at me with disdain, and I faltered, trying to swallow down the lump in my now, suddenly dry throat.

He looked at me as if I was a bedbug on his pillow.

Did he know about the plans to escape?

The blood drained from my face. Why else would he look at me like that?

It wasn't possible. It couldn't be.

I tried to pull my arm away but his fingers tightened, stepping into me to growl in my ear. "Coulter has requested your presence by his side for the meal."

I tried to pull away again but his arm was a steel bar around me. I'd have to make a scene to get away.

"Sure," I gave him a false smile, trying not to show my nervousness. "I just need to talk to my sister first."

If possible, his eyes grew colder. "Oh, I don't think that's going to happen."

If I was reading the signs right, Coulter knew about the escape.

I don't know how he knew, but somehow he'd found out, and he thought I was betraying him.

Well, I'd just have to explain myself to him, wouldn't I?
