Page 3 of Fiery Star

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"She's fine," I bit out, quickly changing the subject. "What about you and Crystal?"

"I said hi to her the other day." He blew out a breath miserably. "I don't think she heard me."

"She's an idiot. I don't know why you like her."

"She's not an idiot."

"She's a spoiled trust fund kid, who doesn't give a shit about anyone except herself." I was describing practically everyone at our private school but Crystal was no exception, except that she'd flirted with Rook one day when she was trying to make her boyfriend jealous. Rook had been instantly smitten, drawn in by the rare attention.

"Is not," he mumbled, staring at the silver table between us.

"You should go for Loren, she's sweet."

"She's also in love with you."

I stood up, done with this conversation. "They're all idiots. Let's go."

He jumped to his feet. "Maybe we can play a game of chess before you have to go home."

"Maybe." The word was sour in my mouth.

I took my time to walk to the trash, throwing away my cup and napkin. He was out before me, rushing to climb into the car, not even waiting for Bernard to open the door.

But Bernard dutifully stood by the door, holding it open for me as he gave me a meaningful look before shutting it behind me.

I watched Rook's knee bounce, bounce, bounce as we drove, chatting about a new chess strategy he'd learned off the internet. After ten minutes, his eyebrows furrowed. "Where're we going?"

"I have to pick up something for my dad first."

"Can't you do that later?”

I shook my head. "No."

"But--" he started to argue but then he clamped his lips shut, biting down on his protest. He stared at me for a long moment before finally speaking again. "Does your dad really know you're hanging out with me?"


"Are you lying?"

"No." I couldn't look him in the eyes. "He said it was okay, this one last time."

Rook's face whitened. "One last time?"

I didn't answer, staring out the window, watching the houses get smaller and smaller as we drove to the seedier part of town.

"Knight." Rook was insistent. "What do you mean? This one last time."

"I mean, my dad bought a new house. We're moving."

“To where?"

"Just away, okay? Does it matter?"

"It matters to me. Can we still talk in school?"

"We won't be going to the same school anymore." Thank God. I wouldn't have to look him in the eyes after today.

