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“Tidbit!” Chloe sounded exasperated. “What are you doing here?”

“How did he even get in?”

“He can open doors,” she said with a sigh. “He does it with his head. He was probably trying to escape Artie. He keeps trying to ride him.” She looked back down the hallway, toward the house. “I should probably go investigate, actually. You okay?”

“I’m great—thank you so much.”

“Come back to the house when you’re settled,” she said, then gave me a smile. “Or not! You might have had more than enough of us for one night. You’re welcome either way.” She turned to the dog. “Tidbit! Come.”

Tidbit didn’t even raise his head, just snuggled more deeply into the duvet.

“Maybe take the other bedroom? It’s like trying to move a boulder.”

“Um, okay. Do I need to… do anything?”

Chloe shook her head. “He’ll let himself out when he wants to leave.” She leaned over the bed and rubbed his ears. “You weirdo.” She straightened up and headed out of the room. “I’ll leave you to it,” she said, giving my arm a quick squeeze as she passed me.

“Thank you again,” I called, even though I knew it was inadequate for everything that had just been handed to me.

“Sure,” she called back to me. “See you in a bit.”

“Uh-huh,” I replied, figuring that this was easier than telling her that I was planning on locking the door and staying here for the rest of the night. Even though I would have liked to have tried Priya’s pasta. And I was still curious about what Fishbowl actually was… but to go back up to the main house would be to risk running into Russell.

Chloe stepped out the front door, giving me a wave as she went. I kicked off my sandals and dropped my canvas bag next to them. And then, feeling like I had been in these clothes for far too long, I stepped out of my jean shorts and pulled off my Nighthawks sweatshirt and tank top. I tossed them onto the bed next to Tidbit, who seemed affronted by all of this. I smiled at him, then headed into the bathroom.

I felt like I could cry as I looked around—the bright white tiles, the sunken tub and glassed-in shower. The very idea that I was back to indoor plumbing felt like a miracle.

The bathroom was stocked with fancy products, the kind I’d seen on influencers’ social media but had never tried out myself. I treated myself to them now, though, taking a long, hot shower. I washed my hair and then just stood under the warm water, eyes closed, until I felt something in my shoulders loosen, my neck unwind, like my body at last understood that I didn’t have to stay on guard anymore. That I could finally set down some of what I’d been carrying.

There was a gray fluffy robe on the back of the door, and I wrapped myself in it. Chloe had been right—the bathroom was stocked with everything I could have needed. Brushes, combs, moisturizers…

I took the opportunity to dry my hair—I felt I needed to after letting it dry slowly with pool water in it for the last few hours. When my hair was dry and I felt like I was fit for civilization again, I headed back into the bedroom, feeling lighter and calmer than I had in days. I’d see if there was a phone charger in this house—there had to be one somewhere—and then I’d text Katy in her dorm at Scripps. I knew she’d still be up, and I wanted to go through all this with her. Didi would be upset, I knew, that she hadn’t been looped in, but she went to Colgate, and it was very late on the East Coast. And maybe Bella would have brought my duffel, and I could change into my pajamas. They were creased and dusty, but it was still miles better than sleeping in my clothes at a bus station.

I stopped in the doorway of the bedroom and looked around. My sandals were still there, and my canvas bag. The dog was still there.

But my clothes had disappeared.

CHAPTER 12 Sunday

11:30 P.M.

I just stared for a second at the empty spot on the bed. I knew I’d taken a long shower, but it hadn’t been that long. What could have happened to my clothes?

I gave Tidbit a look, but he just rolled over onto his side. He couldn’t have eaten them, could he? But maybe he’d hidden them somewhere? This was a dog that was capable of opening doors, after all. And he was the size of a small subcompact. I felt like I shouldn’t rule anything out.

“Tidbit?” I ventured. He raised his head slightly. “Did you…” The giant dog just looked at me, implacable, then set his head back down with a sigh. “Okay, never mind. As you were.”

I checked the other bedroom, but the clothes weren’t there, either. Walking down the hallway to the kitchen, I told myself there had to be some explanation. And as I looked around, I spotted a note, written in a curly, loopy hand, propped up against the snack basket. I hurried over to it and picked it up.

Hi Darcy!!

So Bella got your things from the driveway but everything was kind of all dusty so we’re washing your stuff! Left you something to wear on the couch. Fishbowl at 11:30, don’t be late!



I looked down at the note, wondering why I was even surprised. Every time I’d set something down at this house, it had been whisked away by someone.
