Page 82 of Return to Mariposa

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“I don’t know any such thing,” I said, furious, but the heavy weight inside me was beginning to lift. “I would have thought you’d be ready to see the last of me.”

“I should be,” he said. “But there’s a lot of unfinished business between us, and you know it.”

“I already took care of it with Mr. Fergell. You don’t have to come after me at all.”

“Fuck Mr. Fergell. That’s not what I’m talking about,” he said, his voice tight.

“Then what...?”

“I love you.” He said it as if he were confessing to an axe murder.

The words hit me like a blow. “You love me?”

Again with the impatience. “Don’t sound so incredulous. You already know that.”

I stared at him in shock. “I don’t.”

“Well, then, you’re not as observant as I am. I know perfectly well you’re in love with me.”

“But the things I did,” I stammered. “It was my fault...”

“It was Bella’s fault and you know it. Bella’s fault that Marcus is dead. Bella’s, and Marcus’s. He never learned not to listen to her.”

“But I...”

“It would be nice if you paid closer attention. I told you I love you, and I’m not in the habit of saying that. So, stop asking me stupid questions and kiss me.” There was a challenge in his dark blue eyes, and the knot in my stomach untangled and blossomed into pure heat.

“Are you sure?”

“Last stupid question.” And he was the one who kissed me, pulling me into his arms, against his hard, lean body. His mouth was hot, wet, overwhelming, and it was everything I wanted, everything I needed.

And then it turned sweet, his lips brushing against mine with breathtaking sweetness, and he kissed my forehead, my eyelids, my cheeks, and my mouth again.

“Oh, for God’s sake, don’t cry!” he said when he tasted my tears.

“I’m happy,” I said, sniffling. “I do love you. I think I always have.”

“Bullshit. You were gaga over Marcus when you were young.” A shadow crossed his eyes at the mention of his brother’s name, but he managed a small sigh. “You don’t know how jealous I was.”

“You were a wretch,” I said shakily.

“You were never a podge,” he replied, kissing me again, a little harder this time. “I’m a cranky bastard. Do you think you can stand me for the long haul?”

“Now who’s asking stupid questions?”
