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Chapter 2


My heart pumps out of control when I walk up to the bakery doors and I can see her pale blond hair like a halo around her perfectly-beautiful face. Her cheeks are flushed, her sapphire eyes sparkling as she talks to Mrs. French about her daughter’s birthday cake that she’s picking up.

Every person in town has heard her bragging about the gorgeous cake that the sexy little baker is making for her.

I open the door and her blue eyes widen, her rosy-pink lips parting, her little pink tongue darting out to wet those pretty lips.

I want to take that mouth and do wicked, dirty things to and with it.

Confusion wells up in me because I know I don’t want another woman. Not since my wife died.

Most people think that I’m still mourning my Anna. But the truth is our marriage was a disaster from the words ‘I do.’

We were too young and too stubborn to give in at all on any ideal that we had.

Now that I’m older, I know that I’m not made for relationships. And Callie Hart is the definition of relationship. She’s made to love and be loved and I just don’t have it in me.

But I’d sure like to have one night alone with her to live out all my fantasies. Maybe even make some new fantasies.

But that’s not going to happen. She’s so young. Way younger than my forty-two years.

But I can’t seem to stop making these Saturday morning stops to pick up my latest addiction.

Her cinnamon twists are like drugs to me. Rich and fluffy. Spicy and sweet. It’s the perfect sweet treat for a man that doesn’t necessarily like sweets.

Mrs. French finally notices that I’m behind her and she shoots me an apologetic smile. “I’m so sorry, Mr. Eastman. Here I am just talking Callie’s ear off when you’re waiting to pick up something delicious this morning.”

I shrug my shoulders and my lip twitches. “Don’t worry about it. It’s my day off so I’m in no rush.”

Not entirely true but close enough. Saturday is my day off but I tend to stick close to the ranch just in case I’m needed.

She pats my arm and smiles back at Callie as she picks up the cake. “Oh, that’s alright, Rory. I’ll just get out of your way now. Have a nice day!”

I smile at her slightly, uncomfortable with the overly friendly woman. She walks out the door and I turn back to Callie. My breath stills and my heart whips out of control in my chest until it feels like I’m having a heart attack standing right here.

“Hello, Mr. Eastman. What can I get you today?” Her breathy voice makes my cock jerk in my jeans and I struggle to hold myself in check. Not to reach across the counter and pull her over it and into my arms, kissing her soft, plush lips like I’m going to devour her heart and soul.

I shove all that shit down. “Cinnamon twist. Please,” I growl under my breath.

Her lips quirk. “Why don’t you ever order more than just one? You seem to like them. You’re here every week.”

“I just want one,” I say, holding firm. Control is an important of my life.

“Ohhh-kay,” she says, reaching underneath the counter and pulling out a gorgeously-browned cinnamon twist dripping with blackberry buttercream frosting. The whole thing is just right. Not too sweet and just the right size for an end-of-the week treat.

She wraps it up and puts it in a little bag, handing it across the counter as I hand her my card. My hand slips along hers and it feels like a jolt of electricity slips up my arm and stops my heart. I grunt and she gasps, her sapphire blue eyes widening.

“I-I…here you go.” She practically throws my card and the bag back at me. “I’m sorry. Something’s gotta come out of the oven.”

And she whirls around on her heels, her blond ponytail flying behind her.

“Hey!” She whips around, bouncing on her little pink sneakers.

“What’s up, Mr. Eastman?” I can tell she wants to run. Her deep blue eyes skitter away from mine and she looks like a deer eyeing a predator.

I’m feeling mighty peckish myself. I’m hungry and she’s like a fucking feast standing there in front of me.
