Page 13 of The Vampire Queen

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In the loft, candles flickered on numerous surfaces. Rose petals decorated the bed, and they had a large bottle of Russian vodka, two glasses, and a note in his sister’s handwriting.

Luca picked up the note and the bottle, smiling.

Luca and Ash,

Every truly important Russian event involves good vodka. Enjoy your wartime honeymoon. Life is too uncertain to let moments like this slip away. I’ll hold down the fort.


PS: the human insisted on the flowers. Pathetic. Don’t set my house on fire with the candles and your wild fornication.

“That was sweet of her,” Ash remarked.

Luca chuckled, opened the bottle, and filled both glasses. Neither could get drunk, but his sister was right. It was a tradition, and some things didn’t need to change.

He handed Ash her glass. The candlelight made her flawless skin glow, and Luca ached to rip off her bra and panties so he could bury himself inside her to the hilt, but there were things he needed to say first.

“You were right when you said we’ve belonged to each other since the moment we bound our souls together. There’s been so much working to keep us apart since then, and I need you to know whatever part of myself that is mine to give belongs to you, Ash. I belong to you.”

Ash raised her glass, her chest feeling like it would burst with her emotions. “I’ve doubted many of my past decisions, but falling in love with you was not even a choice. If it was, I’d still choose you. I’ve heard a lot about my spark, but I wish you could see how brightly you burn. I love you with everything I am, and I don’t regret a moment of our time together. I know I fucked up our bond and?—”

“Ash, no! Do—” Luca interrupted.

She shot back, “No, please! I need to say this.”

He nodded. “I’m sorry. Say whatever you need to.”

“I’d like to say that choosing to become a vampire and risking what we have was the hardest choice I’ve ever had to make, but the truth is, it didn’t feel like a choice then. I know how much responsibility you take on yourself, and I won’t have you carry that.

“I did it, and I would do it again. I don’t have words to express how much it hurts that our bond changed. I am incredibly sorry I took that from us and made it hard for your people to accept me.” Her voice broke, and she looked away, unable to acknowledge how much she’d hurt him.

With a gentle finger on her chin, he tilted her face back to his. “There is nothing to be sorry for, my love. You did the most selfless thing imaginable. You saved me and my entire kingdom. I can never repay you for that, but I will spend every day of our lives together striving to be worthy of your sacrifice.

“Also, I’m not sure the bond is permanently damaged. I have a theory I want to test now that we have some privacy.”

Ash’s worries faded. He didn’t resent her for being willing to sacrifice their bond to save him. She held up her glass again and finished the toast. “To our love on the first of many, many years together.”

“Eternity is not enough,” Luca added.

They finished their drinks and set the glasses aside. Having Luca naked was driving Ash mad. She needed to touch him and saw no reason not to indulge her whims where he was concerned for the next twelve hours. Apparently, Luca had the same idea since he reached for her as soon as he set his glass down.

Their passionate kiss left them incoherent and gasping when they pulled apart. Luca picked her up and Ash wrapped her legs around his waist, going back for another kiss. He laid her gently on the bed and knelt over her, then paused.

“What?” Ash asked, smiling.

“You are so fucking beautiful,” Luca answered. “I want to remember everything about this moment.”

She groaned. “Then take a mental picture. You can’t set me on fire like that and then watch me burn. I am going to die if you don’t make with the orgasms.”

He quirked an eyebrow at her and gently parted her legs. Her thin panties had a damp patch, and Luca fought back a groan of raw lust. “You’re going to die, huh? We can’t have that, so I guess I’d better see what I can do to alleviate your need.”

He trailed a finger from her ankle to her hip, loving her shivers when he touched a sensitive spot. Luca hooked his fingers into her panties, grinning at her. “We won’t be needing these.” He slid them down her legs and tossed them aside before looking down at her with desire burning in his eyes.

Luca covered her body with his, taking her mouth in a deep, passionate kiss that left them both tingling. With skillful hands, he removed her bra, and they were both naked at last. He trailed kisses to her ear and down her neck, stopping to lavish attention on a spot that made her moan and squirm against him.

His body ached to fill her to the brim, but more than anything, he needed to taste her pleasure. To witness the exquisite sight of her ecstasy before he could consider his own. His kisses trailed lower as he licked his way down her body to her core.

“Luca, please,” Ash panted, desperate for the release building within her.
