Page 15 of The Vampire Queen

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The German bear clans had been loyal to the Therian crown in the past, but things had changed. The shifter in the video was new to the area and was starting trouble because he was drunk or because he wanted to spur on rebellion. Either way, Luca hoped Hans Schmidt would help him handle it and keep anything like this from happening again.

“Hans! It’s good to hear your voice again, my friend. This is Lucaindrion Nablyudatel,” Luca greeted when the duke answered.

“It has been quite some time,” the confused werebear replied. “I was terribly sorry to hear about your family. What can I do for you, Your Majesty?”

Luca sighed. “I’m afraid we’ve got a situation, Hans. An online video shows a drunken American werebear shifting in front of humans at a German pub.”

“Scheiße!” Hans shouted. “What has that fool done now?”

“You know who I’m talking about?” Luca asked.

There was a long pause. “Ja. I’m afraid I do. He recently joined one of the local packs through marriage.” He punctuated this statement with a deep growl. “To my daughter.”

Damn it. He didn’t envy a father in that position, so he thought about the sentence he would pass down. Nikoli would have killed the werebear, but Luca would not be that kind of king. After the vampires’ antics, it seemed too harsh to continue the punishments of previous generations. He was furious, but bloodshed wasn’t always the answer. Nikoli had never learned that lesson, and Luca would be damned if he repeated the man’s mistakes.

“People could have been hurt and innocent lives lost, not to mention the risk to our people. Can he be redeemed, Hans?”

The duke let out a sigh. “The father in me has wanted him dead for a while because he is not good enough for my daughter, but the pack leader knows he is young and foolish. I believe he can be taught.”

Luca was livid about the bear’s carelessness and stupidity, but the Therians had already suffered far too much death. He didn’t want to start his reign with more carnage. Killing the idiot might prevent more videos, but the damage had been done, and the American’s death wouldn’t help keep their secret.

“Thank you,” Luca replied. “I trust that you’ll make certain your man understands the severity of what he’s done. Many American bears are proud and reckless, He needs to be broken of that. I refuse to react with brutality like our former king would have, but we have to protect our community. I will be lenient this time, but make it clear this is the only chance he will get. If he ever commits another indiscretion, I’ll talk to him myself.”

“Thank you, Your Majesty.” Hans’ relief was evident in his voice.

Luca thought it was genuine. He knew what someone being fake to cover their ass sounded like. He’d grown up surrounded by it. Nikoli had treated his subjects terribly, which encouraged lies and betrayal. Luca imagined Hans expected him to rain down hellfire in retaliation.

“Will we see you at the coronation, Hans?” Luca asked. “Perhaps the young Therian would benefit from seeing the start of our new empire. Things are already changing. We have an opportunity to connect with those who’ve been isolated and unite under a single purpose. I’d also like to raise a glass to your daughter’s recent marriage.”

Hans considered before he spoke. “Without a doubt, Sire. My family and I will come. I know my daughter will be thrilled to meet her new king, and it’s been far too long since we’ve seen each other in person.”

They spent a few more minutes chatting, then said their goodbyes. Luca stood and ran a hand through his hair, his eyes blazing with frustration. The path of mercy was the right one to tread, but the protective beast inside him wanted to take action.

However, their hidden world had been revealed to humans. Now he had to figure out what to do about it.

He paced across the office until he realized that his need for action was part of the problem. His dragon was restless, but an hour or two alone in the clouds might clear his head. He didn’t want to be agitated when he called world leaders to schedule meetings.

I need some time to think, he told Viktorija. I’m going flying. One hour. Maybe two.

Got it. Stay in range, please. Nadya could make a move anytime.

Luca went to his chambers and stripped, leaving his clothes on the bed. Rather than force himself through the slow, brutal change as he had with Ash, Luca dove off the balcony as Ivanna had all those years ago and shifted to his dragon form during the fall.

As a dragon, Luca soared through the sky, the silver edges of his scales catching the afternoon sun. With a flap of his enormous wings, Luca rose, then dove into the clouds. Flying helped him relax and step back from the worries and stresses that had plagued his mind lately. All but one, anyway.

Nothing would ever get Ash off his mind, and he worried every second she wasn’t with him. She could protect herself, which she’d proven beyond a doubt, having saved his ass. His mate was out in the world without him, adjusting to a new life on her own. He couldn’t help wondering if she was well and how she was adjusting to the changes. He could barely feel her in their bond, but she was there.

Luca couldn’t afford a long, leisurely flight, and if he stayed out too long, Viktorija would look for him. He had many duties to attend to before sunset, so he spent the remainder of his time chasing clouds. He alternated between thinking about the enormity of the role he was about to step into and remembering his time with Ash at the cabin.

When he returned to the palace, Luca was settled and ready to handle his responsibilities. He changed back to human form and dressed, then returned to his office to make calls. He had a lot of fires to put out, and in a few hours, he would have the authority to make the necessary changes.

It was nearly time for the coronation.


Kamchatka Peninsula Safe House, Dusk, Sunday, November 25, 2012

Ash awoke and blearily looked around the bedroom in Eiko’s safe house. The witch had told them to stay in the isolated farmhouse until Ash mastered her vampiric powers and planned her next move. The property was well-warded, and it would take a very powerful being to catch them off-guard.
