Page 22 of The Vampire Queen

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“We haven’t seen much resistance to the new king in the field, but there are a lot of scared people emerging with nowhere to go. How is he handling relief efforts?” Ivanna asked, hoping to get more information before she met with Luca. She still didn’t know what he wanted her to do, and she liked to be prepared.

“I’ll let the king address that. I don’t want to speak out of turn or get something wrong,” Remy answered diplomatically.

Ivanna laughed. “You’re good, but I know what you are. I also know that means you don’t miss anything.”

Remy stopped in surprise. “Is that right? What do you think you know?”

Ivanna grinned. “I know that the papers in that folder are either blank or not for you.”

His eyes widened. “Touché. They’re blank. I thought the folder looked professional. What gave it away?”

“I was a slave here for many years, and even when you’re not actively listening, you hear things. The beard tells me what you are, and the eyes tell me what you can do.” The lynx clans had earned a reputation for their innate social skills, and those with heterochromia were rumored to have spectacular memories.

Remy nodded. “I’m impressed. My clan is reclusive, but I wanted to see and study the world. When the opportunity to meet our new high king presented itself, I demonstrated my skills and offered my service to His Majesty.”

Ivanna smiled warmly. “I am certain he will not regret that decision. I cannot imagine anyone better suited. He’s lucky to have you.”

“That’s very kind, Lady Ivanna,” Remy turned down a familiar corridor.

“It’s just Ivanna.”

Remy shook his head. “To me, nobility is about far more than one’s bloodline. Our king agrees, Lady Ivanna.”

He stopped in front of a tall wooden door and knocked before opening it and gesturing for Ivanna to enter. Luca sat behind an enormous desk littered with letters, maps, and numerous other documents. He looked up and smiled as she walked in.

“Ivanna! Thank you for coming!” He gestured at the seat across from him. “Please, sit. I’d like to discuss something with you. Remy, would you call down to the kitchens for refreshments, please?”

“Certainly, Sire. I shall return momentarily.” Remy closed the door behind him.

Tears shimmered in Ivanna’s eyes when she sat down and gave Luca a brilliant smile. “You’re really doing it. I always knew you would, but the energy here… It’s already so different, and I know that’s you.”

Luca grinned. “It is astonishing what people will do when they’re appreciated. We haven’t seen this kind of cross-clan cooperation since my grandfather sat on the throne. It comforts my soul to see our people united like this.”

“I couldn’t agree more.”

Luca shuffled the papers on his desk until he found a particular folder. “Which brings me to the reason I asked you here. Ivanna, if you’re willing to take it on, I would like to appoint you as the second-in-command of the King’s Guard. You would answer to and train under Viktorija. I can’t think of anyone I trust in the position more than you, and you have earned your place here a thousand times over if you want it.”

Her pale green eyes widened with shock as she processed Luca’s words. “Are you serious?”

“Of course, I’m serious! You’ve proven yourself a capable fighter and an effective leader. If it wasn’t for you, we wouldn’t have made it this far, Ivanna. I once promised you that you would never again be a slave when I was king. That no one would be, and I have kept that part of my promise.

“You have earned this with your bravery and determination in unimaginable circumstances. I would consider it a great honor if you would accept the position and lead the King’s Guard when Viktorija attends to her duties as my general.”

Ivanna couldn’t speak through her emotions, but she nodded in acceptance as tears of joy spilled down her face. For her entire life, she’d been told she was worthless and would never amount to anything. Luca had seen something in her, and he still believed in her. This appointment wasn’t being made because of a long-ago promise offered in the heat of the moment. He genuinely thought she deserved the position.

“Does that mean you’ll accept?” he asked hopefully.

Swallowing past the tightness in her throat, Ivanna smiled. “Yes! Yes, I accept. Thank you, Your Majesty.” She bowed her head in respect.

Luca shook his head. “I get that you might feel uncomfortable about being informal in public, but I have known you my entire life, Ivanna. You don’t need to bow to me. You never need to bow to anyone again.”

Ivanna wiped her eyes. “You don’t get it, do you? With…him, we were forced to bow. To grovel before him as the lesser beings we so obviously were. With you, we bow in respect and loyalty. I choose to, Yo…Luca.”

“Thank you, that means more to me than I can say,” Luca answered.

“You’re welcome. So, what do you want me to do with the refugee camp?”

Luca smiled. “That’s the other thing I wanted to talk to you about. Assigning a special project is a lot to ask when you’re taking on training sessions with Viktorija and the King’s Guard. If you’re up for it, I would like you to work closely with Remy to move those refugees here. Once that’s done, creating ongoing relationships between the empire and the disillusioned Therians who don’t trust the crown anymore will be your focus.
