Page 50 of The Vampire Queen

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Ash’s eyes widened. “Are you serious? I don’t produce saliva anymore, and my tears are blood, so I didn’t think I could eat. Food tastes awful.”

Eiko smiled kindly. “It’s not as if you’ve had an opportunity to study your new race outside of battle. I imagine you don’t know much about your nature. You are neither dead nor undead, Ash-san. Nadya kills her children when she changes them, but the magic that shaped your transformation merely slowed your bodily functions. Your heart still pumps, just slower. Food has no taste because your taste buds no longer talk to your brain, and their reaction time is slow. If you sucked on a piece of hard candy, you’d probably be able to taste it by the end.”

Ash looked hopeful. “Thanks. That’s great to know. So, you are telling me that if I eat a piece of pizza super slow, I might taste it?”

Eiko shrugged. “It’s a theory. My studies of what Nadya is, compared to what her children are, have led me to several conclusions, that being one of them. You’ll have to test it.”

“Believe me, I will,” Ash stated.

Eiko held up the stone. “Shall we?”

Ash nodded, and Dani got up. “I'll go let everyone know what's going on so no one freaks out if you scream. Mom and Dad will want to be here, so don’t start yet. You should put Harley in your room. She will freak out if you start screaming.”

Eiko bent to meet the dog’s eyes for a long moment. “She wants to stay. I explained that you will be in pain for a brief time, but it will protect you forever. Harley asked to stand guard.”

Ash cuddled the Great Dane. “I love you so much, sweet girl. Thank you.”

Dani returned with Brian and Melinda a few moments later and explained who Eiko was and what she planned to do. The Mosiers looked nervous but stayed quiet as the witch worked.

“I need access to the skin of your chest to insert the stone. Please remove your shirt and lie flat on the floor,” Eiko asked. “You may leave the bra on. I can put you to sleep for this, but it will work better if you can communicate.”

“I’ll stay awake. Does this spell put you at risk, Eiko-sama? Safeguarding your health is important to me,” Ash asked as she got into position.

Eiko smiled at Ash and unrolled a leather mat, then covered it with the spell implements. Holding the carnelian in her palm, Eiko moved it around on Ash’s skin, searching for the ideal location. When she found it, Eiko retrieved an ancient-looking stone ritual bowl and placed the stone in it. One by one, she added ingredients as she chanted the spell that would give Ash the sun back. The stone began to glow and got brighter until it was almost painful to look at. The light dimmed, and Eiko picked up the stone, which now thrummed with magic.

“The next part will hurt, but it is vital that you remain still, Ash-san. Are you positive you want to stay awake?” Eiko asked, setting the carnelian on Ash’s chest close to her heart.

Ash nodded. “I’m sure.”

Eiko nodded. “Then brace yourself.”

The stone brightened again as it sank into Ash’s flesh. It quickly vanished, leaving the flesh unmarred but lighting Ash’s skin from within. Ash grimaced but didn’t move as the stone settled into place. The illumination finally faded.

Ash made a tortured, strangled sound and arched her back in agony. She thrashed, and though it made them sick to watch her suffer, her family saw the light burning through her veins. The process mercifully ended ten minutes later. Muscles still spasming, Ash’s body glowed as if sunlight suffused every cell.

She was still after the pain stopped, fighting to regain control of her body. The pain tried to loosen her grip on the darkness she carried, but Ash didn’t give an inch. Failure to control herself would mean someone she loved died. When she felt like herself, Ash sat up and blinked.

“That was intense. Did it work?”

Eiko smiled proudly. “You did beautifully. As to whether it worked, why don’t you go outside, then tell me how you feel?”

Ash looked at her bare hand. No sun protection ring. She darted a worried glance at the sunlight streaming through the windows, but she didn’t burst into flames. She trusted Eiko, so Ash darted outside at vampiric speed.

The warmth of the sun on her skin was a welcome sensation. The rings had let her tolerate the sun, but this was more complete. Ash soaked it in. Then she dashed back inside and spun the tiny witch. “Eiko-sama, you are the most amazing person ever to walk the Earth. Thank you! Thank you!”

“Set me down!” Eiko yelled, laughing. When she was on solid ground, Eiko smiled at the young vampire. “You’re welcome, Ash-san. Sit with me. I have another matter to discuss with you.”

Ash winked. “Can we sit outside?”

They sat in a patch of sunlight in the backyard, and Eiko’s expression turned serious. “I have been thinking about the visions you had before you were turned and about the night of the fire and how you connected to me.”

Ash nodded. “I’ve thought about that a lot, too.”

Eiko smiled. “I’m positive that you are descended from witches. With your mother’s connection to Maerlin, it’s shocking that you hadn’t yet manifested your abilities. You were changing even before you became a vampire, and I think you unlocked the ability to conjure magic on your own. I would like to take you on as a student. I would consider it a great honor to teach you.”

Ash didn’t have to think about it. She had trusted Eiko with her life, and if the witch could help her get stronger, she would gratefully accept.

“Absolutely!” Ash exclaimed, reveling in the feel of the sun on her skin. “When do we start?”
