Page 60 of The Vampire Queen

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“Not yet. I’m limited, but I will do what I can to bolster the magical defenses. There’s only so much I can do alone, but if I mask how many we have, perhaps the attacking forces will underestimate the number of defenders here.”

Ash and Viktorija nodded and wished Eiko luck. Then the dragon pushed the vampire out into the hall.

“He’s on the second level. That’s where the war council meets. They’re waiting for word about the mission we sent to rescue Niletean and Ivanna.”

Viktorija threw open the doors of the council room and strode inside, holding Ash by the arm. Dozens of Therians turned to them, their gazes narrowing in suspicion and disgust at the sight of a vampire in the palace.

Except Luca. He stared at her, his eyes wide with surprise. The energy in the room changed when he focused on her as if he were trying to convince himself he wasn’t really seeing her.

Guards left Luca’s side and flanked Ash, but Viktorija blocked their way.

“Stop!” She protectively stepped in front of Ash, and the guards froze. “I am the captain of the King’s Guard, and I would never bring a threat into my brother’s presence.” She pointed at Ash. “This vampire is the reason Luca is the king and we aren’t still being crushed under Nikoli’s boot.”

Silence met her announcement.

“She saved the king’s life when everyone else failed to protect him. If she had not sacrificed her human life to become a vampire,” she pointed at Luca, “he would be dead, and Nikoli would still be alive. She is his ally, so attacking her is attacking him.”

When it was clear that she was done speaking, the room erupted. Everyone spoke at once, asking questions and making demands. Viktorija let them go on for a minute, then shouted, “SHUT UP!”

When the room was silent again, she continued. “Ash brings us warning of an attack on the palace. Her visions saved Luca’s life before, warned us about the danger Ivanna and Niletean were in, and brought her here now. She’s never been wrong, and I trust her.”

Everyone stepped back as Ash stepped forward. Nervously, she waved. “Hi. I’m Ash. Until recently, I was human. I knew most Therians would hate me for what I became, but I couldn’t allow your people to fall if I could do something, so I turned.

“I am not one of Nadya’s children. I am the first of my bloodline. I have not turned anyone, and I don’t plan to. I want to help the Therians, or the good ones who support Luca, so, I’m asking all of you to give me a chance. I have seen what happens here today if you don’t, and I promise the day will end with Nadya on that throne, not Luca.”

The room buzzed as they talked. She caught Luca staring at her with pride in his eyes. Finally, everyone turned to her.

That’s Therian for “keep talking,” Luca sent.


Vampire Laboratory Compound, Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Nadya waited anxiously as the witch completed her tracking spell. She’d expected Maksim to rise as a vampire after three days, but it had been four, and he showed no signs of rousing. He hadn’t died as her other subjects had, so she remained hopeful. Without him to occupy her time, Nadya’s thoughts kept returning to the strange vampire she’d met at the final battle with Nikoli.

When she’d seen the blonde vampire on the battlefield, she’d sensed no bond between them, so Nadya had been shocked to see the fledgling struggling to use powers only she possessed. In that instant, she’d known the woman was the one Luca had spoken of.

Nadya was always prepared, so when Ash was impaled on a soldier’s sword, she waited until the blade had been pulled free and discarded and combat had shifted to another area before she came over to gather Ash’s blood. She sensed that the other vampire might pose a threat to her long-term plans, and having her blood would give Nadya a power she wouldn’t otherwise possess.

She forced herself to be patient as the witch added the final ingredient to the bowl of water. The surface shimmered and began to glow, and the witch’s eyes turned white. Several moments passed, and Nadya began to worry something had gone wrong. Then the witch’s eyes returned to their normal state. She sagged in relief and took a deep breath.

“I hate that feeling. I can never breathe right in that state,” the woman muttered.

“You won’t be breathing right in any state if you make me wait for news!” Nadya growled.

The witch smiled despite the threat. “I have good news, my queen. I found her. She is in the new palace, and it felt like she is there alone. I sensed guards and servants but no army.”

Nadya spent a moment musing about what would draw the Therian army away from the palace, but in true vampire fashion, she quickly returned to her original train of thought. Unlike her dim-witted opponents, she did have an army, and it was the perfect time to strike.

When Ivanna escaped, Nadya only managed to save one vial of serum. The dragon’s rampage had destroyed everything else. Trapped in a mausoleum and feeling maudlin at the loss of her scientists and research, Nadya had drunk the vial.

The pain had been excruciating and seemed eternal, but when it finally faded, Nadya was able to walk in the day. For the first time in five thousand years, she stepped into the sunlight and didn’t burn. She’d found a couple visiting a grave in the cemetery, drained them, and fed them her blood. She had dragged them into the mausoleum to see if they rose as daywalkers.

When she discovered that she could now create vampires who could withstand the sun, she turned an army, draining herself nearly to depletion over and over to build her forces.

Several of the Therians in her employ were associated with Jules, and although the two forces didn’t share information, Nadya was aware of the impending move against the crown. Her spies told her when they launched the attack. She’d planned to strike while the empire was weak, but since Ash was there, the opportunity was too good to pass up. She might never get another chance to take out both of her rivals so easily.

“Wonderful!” Nadya cried. “You did well, witch.” In a rare moment of self-recrimination, Nadya wished she knew the woman’s name to thank her. Still, she’d gotten more praise than most. “You may go. Prepare the others. We will need portals.”
