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He paused to make sure the king was following the explanation and continued after Luca’s nod of understanding. “One such link was created between our world and another called the Abyss billions of years ago—a seabed rift off the coast of what is now Chile.”

Luca froze. Benji noticed, but he continued with the tale. “It is impossible to know how many times it has opened in the past. However, we have firsthand evidence that the portal between Earth and the Abyss opened approximately six thousand years ago.”

The king was enthralled. “What happened?”

Benji’s expression sobered. “It almost destroyed the world. Something came through that rift from the Abyss. Or multiple somethings. The records are spotty. Whatever came through caused terrible mutations in the life it touched. The histories also indicate mind control abilities.”

Luca looked appalled. “Six thousand years ago? How did they fight it?”

“The Therians sent soldiers, and they fought a long and brutal war. During that fight, our allies abandoned us, and my people were decimated. When the fighting finally stopped, the few surviving owls instituted the Rending, and the remnants of our society left the world almost overnight.”

The owl reached into his bag and removed a glass cylinder. Opening the cylinder, Benji pulled out a well-worn scroll and passed it to the king. “The rift is going to open again, Sire, and probably soon. Long ago, one of our seers made a prophecy, and that is what brought me to you.”

“Well, fuck. I was not expecting that.” He carefully spread the scroll across his desk and read the text, which was written in an ancient Spanish dialect with an English translation on a separate sheet.

In the age of Earth’s new era, ancient knowledge will be revealed.

Evil will return from the depths of the sea to spread its savage hunger.

As battles rage and the world’s balance shifts, the harbinger will emerge.

When the king of light and fire is crowned, and night withstands the day,

The world must stand united, or it will fall in pieces when the Abyss opens again.

Her spark holds back the darkness, but it will falter without his flame.

“Shit. That’s not ominous at all,” Luca sighed and ran a hand through his hair.

Benji grimaced. “That was how I reacted when I found it. I won’t waste time with trivialities. I need your help to make sure this doesn’t destroy the world. The last great Therian king laid down his life in defense of the entire world, human and Therian alike, and all is in danger again. We shall fight the same formidable enemy, and we will lose without your help.”

Luca raised an eyebrow and stared at his guest. His ally, now. “You’re the harbinger, aren’t you?”

Benji nodded and held up his hands. “Please don’t shoot the messenger.”

Luca laughed, grateful for the moment of levity amid the doom and gloom. “You’re safe from me, I promise. Thank all the gods that I’m on the throne, not Nikoli.”

“You weren’t when I left my nest, but it was an acceptable risk, Your Majesty. How could I live with myself if I didn’t?” Benji’s tone and expression were serene. “It was the right thing to do. I like what I’ve seen of the world, and I don’t want to see it destroyed. I want to protect all of it, not just my little piece.”

“That’s an attitude I can support. The reference to Ash seems clear to me. Is that how you’re reading it, too?”

Benji smirked. “As a daywalking vampire with the most powerful spark our world has ever seen, there can be no doubt.”

“Thank you for bringing this to me, Benji. What is the next step? We need to get involved and help, but I don’t know enough about the situation to decide what to do first. We will need your guidance.”

Benji breathed a sigh of relief that he felt throughout his entire being. The king would help, so all was not lost. He’d heard enough stories about Luca to understand that he was unique among dragons. The king had inherited his draconic abilities from both parents, so he had both light and fire. “Gathering more information is the first step. If I’m not mistaken, you reacted when I told you about the rift.”

Luca nodded. “I have a friend, a geologist, who is studying some strange structures found at the bottom of the ocean off the coast of Chile after an underwater earthquake.”

“I expected something of the kind. It was only a matter of time before humanity discovered the ruins of Atlantis. If you value your friend, keep him out of the water,” Benji warned.

“We need resources and protection to go see the remains firsthand. I’d like you to send a team with me to scout the area. We need to find the best human and Therian scientific minds in the world and try to get ahead of this. I’ll try to keep it quiet, but we might face challenges since you’ve already heard reports of activity in the area. If the strange attacks and grotesque mutations start, it’s too late.”

“Can you make a list of the people you need?” Luca asked. “I’ll do everything in my power to help.”

“It’s impossible to know right now, but I would guess geologists and oceanographers to start. We also need to secure access to a submersible capable of reaching the ocean floor. If you send an emissary to treat with my people, it will smooth the process a great deal. From what I’ve seen, our technology outpaces what you have available, but they are reluctant to get involved.”

Luca nodded. “Unfortunately, I can’t go. There is far too much for me to attend to here. War is still looming, and since humans are now aware of our existence, I must remain and lead our people. I will send my best, and I already have a few in mind. How do you feel about including humans on your team? My friend and his son would help. I’d stake my life on it, and you won’t find a better geologist.”
