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Dani lay unconscious on a couch with a nasty bruise on the right side of her face. Fury surged through her, and only Dani’s steady breathing and heartbeat stopped Ash from reducing the house and everyone in it to their constituent atoms.

No one else was in the room, though Ash could hear several people elsewhere on the property. She touched the injured side of Dani’s face and sent her energy and desire for healing through the contact. Golden light flared at her fingertips and sank into Dani’s skin.

When it faded, the bruise was gone. Dani opened her eyes and looked around in confusion. “Wh?—”

Ash silenced her with a finger across her lips. Just think it. I will hear you. I don’t want them to realize I’m here. I want to port you out first.

Dani glared at her. Like hell, you will. Those bastards need to die since they won’t stop until you make them. Next time, they won’t take someone who has you to rescue them.

Ash rolled her eyes. Believe me, I want to kill them more than I should since they hurt you, but I’m no better than them if I kill everyone who stands in my way.

Dani crossed her arms and maintained her stubborn expression. Fine, then offer them the choice of prison or death. Those assholes don’t get another opportunity to join us. They used the first chance to be irredeemable dickbags.

Ash smirked. You know, I could just push you through a portal to safety.

Dani grinned. I could just sprinkle you with powdered milk while you sleep. Try it. I dare you.

Ash sent her sister a mental groan. Fine. If you get killed, I’m totally telling Mom and Dad it was your fault. Stay out of their reach, and don’t engage if you don’t have to. Are you sure you want to see me in full murder mode?

Like I haven’t seen you go to Super Saiyan before? Quit trying to scare me away and go kick their asses. I won’t get in the way, I promise.

Satisfied that Dani would keep as safe as possible, Ash let her anger take charge. She walked over to the door and kicked it, sending splinters of wood flying. “Jules? You wanted to play? Well, I’m here. Where are you, you little shit weasel?”

The other Therians in the safe house jumped to attention in response to the new threat. Leon lumbered into the hall, his large body filling the space. Ash let him come, but when he swung his meaty fist to hit her, she vanished. After reappearing behind him, she delivered a swift strike to his spine, and he hit the floor, unable to use his legs.

“You’re a hyena, right?” Ash shot a scathing look at him. “Laugh about that, bitch.”

She continued down the hall to where Mathis, Gaspard, and two more Therian traitors waited.

“Who are you?” the closest one demanded.

“I’m the fucking cavalry.” Ash grinned. “You didn’t think we’d let you shitstains get away with this, did you?”

One man charged her, brandishing a wicked-looking knife. Ash dodged his clumsy attacks and whirled to punch him. Her fist went through his skull, and she jumped back with a yelp of disgust. As his body crumpled, Ash shook her hand and glared at the corpse. She hadn’t hit anyone since she’d risen in her immortal form. It hadn’t felt like she’d hit him that hard.

“Don’t kill them all before you get the information you need,” Dani called, stepping gingerly over Leon’s limp form.

Ash willed herself to a calm state to learn what she needed to. She hoped the other three Therians were smart enough to recognize that they could not win.

“Sit!” she roared.

They dropped to the floor in unison, unable to resist the command in her tone. Leon moaned weakly and tried to turn his head to look at her. Ash examined them, trying to see the individuals through her blind rage at their actions.

“Where is Jules?” she growled.

“He’s not here!” Mathis gasped in pain when he tried to resist Ash’s hold on his body. “He left with Maksim shortly after I brought her here. They went to Nadya’s compound.”

Ash focused on Mathis, and he shuddered at what he saw in her eyes. “You hurt my sister,” she ground out through clenched teeth.

Mathis stammered as he tried to defend himself. “I-I only h-hit her o-once. I d-didn’t m-m-mean to c-c-crack her skull. Maksim h-healed her.”

Ash growled, and she nodded at his fallen comrade. “Why don’t I just hit you one time?”

The man flinched away, certain that his death was imminent. Seeing his resigned expression made Ash feel like she’d sunk to their level, and she lost her will to kill.

“You get one chance, due to my mercy and my unwillingness to scrub your brains out from under my fingernails. Your actions were reprehensible, and rebellion will not be tolerated. Go to prison and live out your lives like the captives you made others into, or die here and now. That’s more of a choice than you gave your victims.”

She glanced at Mathis. “You have to give me a reason to keep you alive.”
