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His enemies could not ignore the attack, and they would not expect the number of soldiers he had waiting.

Several US military bases were within striking distance, so Maksim had ordered his forces to keep things as quiet as possible. That also meant he couldn’t let his dragon out to play. He didn’t want anyone to interrupt their fun. His descent into a bloodthirsty creature had been so gradual that Maksim was unaware of the change. He felt justified in every step he’d taken because nothing was more important than avenging the death of his beloved, and the dark magic he’d inherited was too strong to resist. He could not see how it warped his mind.

Jules entered the cabin Maksim had claimed and shook off snow, shivering in the blast of cold air from the open door. “Everything is ready, Maksim. They’re just waiting for your word.”

A malicious grin spread across Maksim’s face, and he picked up the radio to contact his team leaders. “Make them bleed. Gorge yourselves, children, and usher in the new era of the vampire race!”

He changed the settings to connect to the Nome group. “Make sure you leave the television station intact. We need the means to deliver our message when things are settled.”

“Yes, Sire. Dawn, a communications engineer, says she can disable their connection during the attack and reestablish it later,” the team lead reported.

“Excellent,” Maksim replied. “Get to work.”

Each of the team leads had a video recorder, and Maksim relaxed to watch the carnage. The humans didn’t stand a chance. They were outnumbered twenty to one, even without the Therians. Their victims’ screams were a sweet serenade to Maksim, who planned to send the footage to Ash to illustrate that she was helpless to stand against him. He didn’t need to attack her directly to inflict devastating pain.

Maksim switched his screen to show the Nome team. The team leader crept into a home at night and tore a woman from her bed, then ripped into her throat as she screamed for help. That scene was repeated in one town after another until he controlled the entire peninsula. The humans would retaliate when they learned what he’d done, but Maksim and his strike force would be gone by then.

He was drawn to areas that enjoyed the polar night and planned to overtake the small town of Utquigvik next, though he hadn’t decided whether to kill or turn the town’s occupants. Jules had one thing correct. It was hard to hit a moving target.

“Jules! Come watch our triumph. What are you doing?” Maksim asked, hearing the other man approach but unwilling to turn away from the symphony of destruction.

Maksim felt the heavy collar slide around his neck and click into place before he could react. He was unable to believe the man’s audacity.

Jules cackled, sounding like his animal form. “This is my triumph, vampire. Calling yourself a king doesn’t give you power. Power gives you power, and now yours is at my disposal.”

Maksim sighed and shook his head. What a fool the Therian was. He allowed Jules to prattle on until he could stand the banality no longer. He stood, his impressive height dwarfing the hyena shifter. He reached up, searching for the collar’s clasp. When he couldn’t find it, he decided to rip the damn thing off since it was uncomfortable.

“I wouldn’t do that if I were you,” Jules warned. “That’s a V-collar. If you attempt to tear it off, it will emit a powerful blast of high-intensity ultraviolet light that will your head off and cauterize the wound.”

Maksim just stared at him. Jules had seen him out in the sunlight more than once, so he couldn’t be that stupid. The audacity of the hyena’s plan had been amusing at first, but he’d let the farce go on long enough. “Like this?” he asked, sending a tendril of shadow rising from his palm to encircle his neck before he ripped the collar off. The blinding flash was swallowed by his shadows and did no harm to Maksim.

Jules gasped. The severity of his misstep sank in, and his confidence fled. He fumbled in a pocket for something Maksim couldn’t see. The hybrid vampire’s eyes glowed as he let his fury take control and fed it like a bonfire, piling on every annoyance he’d suffered in Jules’ presence.

The hyena realized he couldn’t flee and stared at Maksim in horror. His time had come at last, and there would be no escape.

“You think you are worthy to enslave me or my people?” Maksim growled through clenched teeth.

Jules whimpered in fear, and Maksim roared. The scent of urine filled the room. “Pathetic. You aren’t fit to rule a crosswalk. Now the slaver becomes the slave,” Maksim grinned and jumped through the shadows to appear behind Jules, then savagely bit his throat.

The Therian struggled weakly but then realized that made the damage worse and went limp, hovering at the edge of consciousness. Maksim pulled away and made an incision in his wrist with a blade forged from shadows.

He forced the blood into Jules’ mouth, grinning wickedly. “I’m not going to turn you. You’re not worthy of being one of my people. Instead, you will rot from the inside out. It will be a slow, painful death over the next week or so. Scurry away now, little coward.”

Maksim let go, and the Therian collapsed.

Weakened by blood loss, Jules crawled toward the door. I hope he makes a better weapon than he did an ally.


Therian Palace, Sunday, February 10, 2013, Morning

Ash and Luca were enjoying breakfast when their phones blew up with texts. The color drained from Ash’s face when she read the first. She set her phone where they could both see and played the CNN video they’d been sent.

“Tragic news this morning from Alaska, where more than ten thousand people were killed in a savage and unprovoked attack by rogue vampires. The perpetrator, who calls himself Maksim and says he is the true vampire ruler, released a statement targeting Gaia Vampira’s queen, Ashlynn Mosier, and Gaia Theria’s king, Lucaindrion Nablyudatel. Last month, the king and queen revealed the supernatural world at the United Nations and have since formed the Supernatural Protection Alliance and Response Knights, SPARK.

“Many have seen the agency’s widespread recruitment campaign and know the group steps in when rogue paranormal elements pose a threat to public safety. According to officials SPARK has been mobilized and are en route to handle the rogue threat.

“CNN has obtained video footage from the Alaskan attack and Maksim’s declaration. Viewer discretion is advised, as many of the following images are graphic and may be upsetting for some people.”
