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“Here we go,” she muttered.

I chuckled.

They weren’t going to take her from me. It wasn’t even a possibility.

Jasper led the group of dragons. He didn’t look angry, and neither did any of the others.

“Why am I not surprised?” Eli drawled.

“Probably because I forced you to bring me here in the first place.” Elodie’s voice was upbeat.

Despite our location, she was happy.

I was too, though I’d have been happier if I had enough food to feed her properly.

“I’d think that should at least earn me a text or something before you disappear into the prison, El.”

“You knew he was getting beat up in here and didn’t tell me.”

Eli grimaced, but didn’t argue.

“I wasn’t getting beat up,” I grumbled. “I was giving beatings, and taking a few injuries as I did.”

“A few injuries? Your entire body is one big wound!”

“Not my entire body.” I nipped at her neck, and a sputtered laugh escaped her.

Jasper sighed, running a hand over his face. He looked exhausted. I felt bad that he was having to deal with the pressure of running the thunder, even though I was glad it wasn’t August’s job anymore. “What are we going to do with you?”

“I’ll make a deal,” I said, tucking my female’s head under my chin. I didn’t like that all of the guys were looking at her, even though she was mostly dressed, and in my arms. “If you shorten my sentence so I can take my female home, I’ll give you my side of her story. I’ll teach you how to avoid sealing the bond.”

The guys exchanged looks.

They had wanted Elodie’s story badly, but hers was only half. Hell, it was less than half. I was the reason we hadn’t sealed the bond. I was the one who had to stand by and watch her suffer, hour after hour and day after day.

If they truly wanted to avoid sealing their own bonds when heat finally caught up to them, they needed to know what I knew.

“We’ll discuss it,” Jasper finally said. “I’ll make sure someone brings food down while we do. And a proper bed. Maybe some chairs, too.”

I dipped my head.

The bastards didn’t care about me, but they had to care about themselves.

They left again, and Elodie leaned against me.

I adjusted my grip on her, not even considering letting go.

“You’re the one who needs consistent food and water,” she said. “Look at yourself. It’ll be my turn to baby you if they actually let us out of here.”

I chuckled. “My wounds will heal, Fireball.”

“Especially if I put clean bandages on them.”

“It would help more if you put your mouth on them.”

She laughed, hard.

I pulled her closer, silently thanking fate that she’d chased me to prison.
