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Nope, didn’t smell anything.

And I’d put on a ton of deodorant, so hopefully that remained true even though I’d already started sweating.

I worked on my project for a bit, before the gleam of silver caught my eyes.

When I looked up, I saw a dragon in the sky.

A few dragons.






Five dragons.

Two silvers, a red, a blue, and a green. They were insanely shiny, and still high enough above me that I couldn’t tell how big they were compared to me.

I didn’t trust August, but I felt more comfortable with him than I did with five gigantic, fire-breathing strangers.

“August!” I called out.

He was on the porch a heartbeat later, immediately looking to the sky. He barely glanced at them before focusing on me. “Jasper and Eli are leading the group. The others are some of the most difficult dragons we have. Gordon, Kev, and Lox.”


“You’ll stay on the porch while I talk to them. One of them will come up here to check your temperature, but other than that, don’t interact with them. And for the love of the damn sky, don’t stare at them. I’m in enough hot water with the thunder without killing someone because you’re attracted to them.”

“Why do you care who I’m attracted to?”

He leaned a little closer. “You’re mine for the next few weeks, Fireball. Mine. Got it?”

“Screw off,” I whispered, though my eyes were locked with his.

His lips curved upward.

The wind picked up around us, and I closed my laptop.

The dragons were landing.

August’s chest rumbled in annoyance, and he stepped in front of me so I couldn’t see them shift.

I dropped my laptop on the porch swing and stood up, trying to move around him so I could see. I caught sight of a flash of bare skin before his gigantic hand landed on my hip, and he yanked me behind him.

“Are they naked?” I called over the rushing wind.

“Clothes don’t shift with us.”

Guess that was a yes.

And suddenly, I understood why he’d tried to stop me from looking at them. If it pissed him off when I glanced at a guy who was wearing clothes, I didn’t want to know what he’d do if I checked out some other naked guy.

Especially if the naked guy happened to be his brother.
