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“Some kinds of lizards have something on the roof of their mouth that helps their sense of smell. Dragons have them too—but they’re only active as far as our mates go. It’s a mesh between tasting and smelling. Supposedly, I’ll be able to tell your needs apart based on your smell when I get used to it. Right now, all the scents in the house are making it impossible and driving me insane.”


“Yup.” He opened the oven door to check on the food again.

I guess he was satisfied with how it looked, because he pulled it out a minute later, without bothering to grab oven mitts.

My eyebrows raised in alarm, but he showed no sign that his skin was burning.

Guess it made sense for dragons to be fireproof.

He dished up food for us, then grabbed glasses of water and filled them before joining me at the table.

We ate in relative silence. The food was great, so I’d have to text Brynn to thank her.

When we were done eating, August put the dishes in the dishwasher without so much as suggesting I should do it. I stayed at the table and went back to work while he returned to his beloved multi-purpose spray.

Soon enough, he swapped his spray for a vacuum.

When my blankets were clean and dry, I retreated to my room with a murmured goodnight, locking my door and tucking myself into bed.

My body ached horribly.

The sweating was insane.

I ended up throwing the blankets to the foot of the bed, and changing into a clean tank top and a pair of the cheeky panties I preferred. The rest of my clothes, and August’s, could screw off.

I tried to fall asleep, but couldn’t.

Instead, I spent the night tossing, turning, and wincing with just about every motion.

I might have heard rhythmic footsteps in the hallway throughout the night. Part of me was positive August was pacing out there in the early hours of the morning.

The other part of me thought I was just hallucinating because I couldn’t sleep.

It took a hell of a lot of effort to stop myself from going out there to see if he was actually walking around…

And even more effort to convince myself that climbing into bed with him wasn’t the answer to my problems.

He was the cure for my discomfort.

But I couldn’t embrace it. Not yet. I still wasn’t sure what I wanted to do about the whole mate thing.

So, I stayed in bed, cursing myself and the situation I’d landed in. And wishing I had listened to Brynn’s conversation with her brother before assuming she was in danger and interrupting.

That night felt like a year.

When I finally shuffled out of my room around five AM, I stopped in the hallway.

August was at the end of it, shirtless, messy-haired, and wearing just a pair of sweats.

He was insanely gorgeous.

And it looked like he really had been pacing.

His eyes dipped to my tits.

Mine did too.
