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“He’s supposed to be in prison for six months?”

“That was the deal.”

“The deal? Was there another option?” My head jerked toward him.

Eli was quiet for a moment.

A long moment.

“He had to choose between six months in prison, or leaving Mate Mountain permanently.”


My throat swelled more. “That’s really cruel.”

“I agree.” Eli ran a hand through his hair. “If they’d let me or Jas do the time, we’d agree in a heartbeat. He only made that deal with the Villins because we weren’t there. We were supposed to be there.”

“Where were you?”

“We didn’t want to leave home.” There was regret in his voice. “We didn’t think Brynn was in any real danger. And we were worried about exposing ourselves to more human women. We were always worried about that. He always took the risk for us, being the one to take her to dance classes, school shit, and everything else.”

“It’s ironic that he got stuck with me when he did, after so many years of risking it,” I said quietly.

“That was fate, El. Not irony.”

“Fate really screwed his life up, then.”

“Nah. Jas and I did that.”

A moment of silence passed.

A long, drawn-out one.

“I want to see him,” I finally said. “In prison. I need to know if he’s really coming back to me. I can’t spend the next six months hoping if he’s not.”

“That’s not possible.” Eli didn’t consider it. “The thunder would never agree to let you in, and it’s too dangerous. Even if it wasn’t, August would scale me like a damn fish if I took you there.”

“I need to talk to him, Eli.”

“I’ll see if I can get the thunder to agree to a phone call.” His voice told me he didn’t think it was going to happen.

I didn’t know much about them, but I didn’t think he’d succeed either.

“I don’t know what I’m supposed to do,” I said, still staring out at the sky. “Six months isn’t long for you guys, but it’ll feel like forever to me. I’m supposed to be excited about graduating, and my new job. I’m supposed to be figuring my life out.”

“He wants all of that for you.”

“But I don’t want it without him.” My voice was frustrated, but it rang with honesty. “Not anymore. We were supposed to be a team.”

“Is that what got you through heat?”

“He got us through heat.” I closed my eyes, letting out a long breath. “I would’ve given in halfway through. The pain was excruciating. He’s the only reason we didn’t seal the bond.”

“He knew you wouldn’t survive prison,” Eli said.

“I don’t know. Probably.”

“It wasn’t a question, El. He knew you couldn’t survive there. Not even with him to protect you. He’ll be a target just because he’s a dragon, but a dragon’s mate inside a supernatural prison? There would be carnage. The person to end your life would be seen as a hero. You’d have to be placed in the isolation cells, and no one survives the isolation cells with their sanity intact.”
