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“Face it, Coop,” I say, leaning over to give him a quick kiss. “Somebody’s got to be in charge around here.” I spin him around by the shoulders and give him a swift smack on the ass to get him moving.

“We’re going to talk about this,” he says. Given the way he’s adjusting what’s now a full-blown erection, I’ve got a pretty good idea what he means when he says “talk.”

My phone chimes with an incoming call.

“Hey Ty,” I say, swiping to answer it. “What’s up?”

“Got a second?” asks my boss.

“More than one, if you need it.”

“I have news about the investigation,” he says. My heart starts to pound.

“And?” Surely if they were going to fire me over this, they’d have done it while I was in the office earlier, right? Probably. Surely.

“I think you’re familiar with an employee named Mila Hague,” he says.

“We’ve met.” Mila had finally stopped asking me out once the cooking competition pilot aired a few weeks ago. “What’s she got to do with anything?”

“The IT department was able to confirm that tabloid article was submitted by one of the computers at Sizzle HQ,” says Drew. “Specifically, the laptop issued to Ms. Hague.”

“You’re joking.”

“Not in the slightest,” he says. “Once HR got her to admit to sending the photo and starting the rumor about you and Cooper and Bailey, she confessed to tampering with the equipment during the live event as well.”

“What the hell?”

“She claims she was just trying to get your attention,” says Ty. “And, ah… once the security footage came out, she wanted to get back at you. She didn’t elaborate about that though.” Of course, Ty had seen the footage of Cooper and me making out backstage that day. He’d gone out of his way never to mention it until now. Swallowing my embarrassment, I clear my throat.

“We went out once, Mila and I,” I explain. “I don’t make a habit of going out with colleagues, I swear.”

“None of my business, Drew,” says Ty. “I just wanted to let you know, case closed. The network isn’t pressing charges, but as of today Mila Hague is no longer employed with Sizzle.”

I tell him thanks and hang up the phone, scrubbing a hand over my face. Given her reaction to Bailey at the gala all those weeks ago, I knew Mila might have been a little unbalanced, but I never would have guessed—

The doorbell keeps me from pursuing that train of thought any farther. When I open the door, I’m stunned.


“Hello, Andrew,” she says quietly. “Can I come in for a moment?”

“Um, sure.” I double check over my shoulder just in case Coop or Bailey changed their minds about getting dressed, but so far we’re clear. “Come on in.”

Mom shakes her head when I offer to take her coat.

“I won’t keep you long, dear,” she says. She studies my face intently. Uncomfortable and probably being pretty obvious about it, I clear my throat.

“Cooper and Bailey will be out in a minute,” I say. She needs to know they’re here, at least. I square my shoulders, ready for a fight.

“Of course,” she says. “That’s why I’m here. But before I say what I came here to say, I need to ask you something.” Mom reaches across the sofa and takes my hand. “Are you happy?”


“It’s a simple question,” says my mother, smiling a little. “Are you happy?”

“I’m… Of course I am,” I say, confused by the question.

“I’m referring specifically to your lovers,” she says, her smile growing a little. My face heats.
