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“I might have been under the influence of tequila,” I admit, staring at the ceiling. “On both occasions.”

“So you’re the one who got her started on pole dancing,” says Drew, resuming his work with a smile on his face.

“Is that right?” Cooper asks me, his voice unsteady as he tries to keep up with the conversation. “Shame I missed that phase. Maybe you can show me sometime.”

“Anytime,” I say, wrapping a hand around his neck to bring him down to kiss me.

“If anybody’s showing anything, it’ll be you, Lawson,” says Drew, his eyes hot and intense as he watches us. “I didn’t know you could dance like that.”

“It’s… been a long… time,” says Cooper, gasping a little now.

“I noticed,” says Drew, his focus narrowing on Cooper’s ass.

“Oh, shut up,” says Cooper. “You’re taking forever. Stage fright? Or have you forgotten how it works?” Even laid out for the taking, Coop can’t turn off the snark.

Cooper glances back in time to see Drew’s grin turn sinful, the grin I didn’t know he had until the night he pinned me against the wall in his hallway and made me come my brains out. That Cooper’s the one to bring it out of him this time warms some dark spot inside me, and the glow spreads. Before Cooper can talk any more shit, Drew takes himself in hand, lining up and leaning in. I’d give my left arm for a mirror right now so I could see it myself. His hands drop to Cooper’s hips and Cooper stops breathing altogether.

“You okay?” Drew’s panting the words out, his abs flexing hard. I thank every deity I can think of, karma, and the universe itself for putting me exactly here to see this, lack of mirror aside. There’s no hotter sight on the planet than their faces right at this moment.

When Drew stops, Cooper starts to move, his hips thumping mine rhythmically in a grind, and mother of God does it feel good.

“Cooper,” says Drew, still panting but sounding worried now. He pulls back, giving Cooper time to answer.

“For fuck’s sake, don’t stop.” Cooper slides his hands under my shoulders, his elbows on the bed, his whole body shuddering. Drew takes him at his word, mimicking Cooper’s actions and grabbing his shoulders for leverage.

At the long, slow drive, Cooper makes the most arousing sound, a soft groan that’s higher than usual.

“Shit, Cooper,” says Drew, visibly struggling to hold himself still. Cooper sucks in air, still grinding his pelvis against my clit. I’m not going to be able to wait much longer, but Cooper looks like he’s about to die with pleasure.

“Too much?” I ask, brushing hair out of his unfocused eyes.

He shakes his head no, followed by an immediate “Yes.”

Drew pulls back slowly and Cooper’s mouth drops open. I kiss him, helpless with need, trying my damnedest to hold back and make this last as long as humanly possible. In the end, it’s Drew who loses control first.

“Can’t wait anymore,” says Drew. “Hope you’re ready for this.” He hitches a knee up on the bed and cants his hips, bucking into Cooper—into us both—and it all goes haywire.

Cooper and I are the first to go, his orgasm kicked off almost instantly by mine. The pleasure is intense, protracted every time I open my eyes and see them above me.

Drew’s release hits a long moment later. “Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck.”

The sweat on my skin cools all too soon as Cooper pushes his and Drew’s combined weight up off of me. The guys sprawl out on the bed beside me.

The silence in the room is deafening. My heart eventually returns to normal.

“So… how ‘bout them Yankees?” I ask, staring at the ceiling.

Somebody’s laughter shakes the bed. I turn to see Drew smiling at me, propping himself up on an elbow and looking down at us. When he sees Cooper’s eyes are still closed, lying still between us, Drew frowns but doesn’t comment.

“Since when do you like baseball?” asks Drew.

“Also, it’s the middle of winter,” says Cooper, sounding winded. “This is what you might call the off-season.” He’s not moving, and his eyes are still closed. Drew and I share a concerned look and scoot closer.

“Hey,” I say to Coop.

“Horses,” says Cooper. Still not moving, still not looking at us. Drew takes a shot, tracing Cooper’s cheek with his nose. “What do you want?” The snark is back, but Cooper’s shiver is visible from here.

“You okay?” Drew asks quietly. Coop’s snark isn’t enough to lift the concern from his gaze. Cooper sighs and opens his eyes, blinking as he focuses first on me, then on Drew.
