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“Ready as I’ll ever be,” he says again. He’s out the door and circling the car before I can get my seatbelt all the way off, opening the door and extending a hand to help me out.

“What lovely manners,” a beaming older woman comments as she walks by, heading toward the Roy and Sandra party banner. Cooper looks at me, making a face.

“Hey, you’re already scoring points,” I say, taking his arm as we walk up the steps to the wide wraparound porch. “That was Drew’s great-aunt—”

“Please,” says Cooper, holding up a hand to stop me. “I beg you. I’m already going to forget the name of every person I meet today. Don’t give me extra homework already.”

I grin and bite my tongue. As we make our way through the crowd looking for Drew, I spot his parents holding court at a well-appointed table near the buffet line.

“There he is,” murmurs Cooper. He leads me across the wide porch, shifting around seats and the freestanding heaters churning out enough warmth to allow guests to remove their coats despite the outdoor seating.

“I was beginning to wonder if you changed your minds,” says Drew. He kisses Cooper on the cheek and pulls me in for a hug. “You look amazing,” he whispers.

“Thanks,” I say, smiling at him.

“Careful,” says Cooper. “You’re going to make me jealous.” I can’t tell if he’s joking, but I guess that’s the point, since Drew’s cousins are standing right there.

“Hey Eric, Daniel. Good to see you again,” I say, waving at the twins.

“This must be the new boyfriend,” says Eric. Tall and every bit as broad as Drew, Eric offers his hand to shake.

“Guilty as charged,” says Cooper.

“Careful there,” says Drew, looking every inch the proud boyfriend showing off his lover. “My cousins are cops.”

“So I probably shouldn’t bring up my rap sheet over dinner,” says Cooper glibly, making Drew’s cousins laugh.

“Hang on, you have a rap sheet?” Drew asks, making them laugh harder.

“Bailey,” says Alan, coming up behind me and taking my elbow. “I didn’t know you’d be here today.”

“Yes, you did,” I remind him. “You asked me about it at the cooking competition, remember?”

“Hmm,” says Alan, pursing his lips as he takes in Drew’s arm wrapped around Cooper’s waist as they chat with the twins. “Look, Bailey… can we talk for a minute?”

I have no idea what he wants, but it’s a party and talking is the thing to do, since the buffet’s still being set out. I wave at Cooper to let him know I’m going and allow Alan to guide me around the corner where no one’s been seated yet. It’s hardly hiding, but we have this section of the porch to ourselves for the moment.

“What’s up?” I ask, wishing I hadn’t taken off my coat. The heaters work well out here, but we’re standing too far away from them now.

“Nothing, I just wanted to talk to you,” says Alan, offering his suit coat. I accept it gratefully. “It’s been a long time.”

“It has,” I agree, wishing he’d get to the point.

I want to watch Drew and Cooper being a couple. They’re fucking adorable like this. I think they could be that sweet together if Cooper ever really lets his guard down, or if Drew ever stops provoking him. Seeing them together like that makes something inside me go warm and bubbly. Not the same kind of warm as when I watch them… do other things together. But the feeling is warm all the same. It’s the silliest thing, but when I see them together like that it makes my heart smile. I can’t explain it any other way.

“I thought maybe we could catch up sometime,” says Alan. He’s noticed my distracted state and is getting visibly annoyed, but I know what it looks like when a Hicks boy is keeping a lid on his temper. Guess you could say I’ve been here before. “Why is that funny?”

“It’s not,” I say, patting his arm and tamping down on my amusement. Alan doesn’t take too well to being laughed at. “Maybe we can catch up after the meal.”

“That’s not what I meant,” he says, running a hand through his hair anxiously. “Bailey, are you listening to me?”

“Of course,” I say. Most of my mental processes are wrapped up thinking about Cooper’s nonexistent rap sheet and wondering if either of the boys have access to a pair of handcuffs.

“Is that a yes?” Alan asks, taking my hand.

“Sorry, wait,” I say, shaking my head. “What did you say?”

“I want us to try again, Bailey,” says Alan slowly, looking me in the eye. “I’ve been thinking about us lately, and the truth is—”
