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“What the hell do you mean, is he cute?”

Bailey shrugs like she didn’t just try to lobotomize me with that question. Honestly. I mean, if you want to be objective, he’s marginally attractive. For an asshole. If you like the dark, lean, lightly muscled, tattooed, pierced hipster type.

Which I absolutely do not.

“He’s not my type,” I say, ignoring her raised eyebrows. “And anyway, you could meet him yourself, if you’re dead set on it.” I take a deep breath and brace myself to broach the question I called her here to ask. “I need a favor.”

“Anything,” she says, shrugging easily.

“Maybe not this,” I warn. “I need a date. Specifically, I need a date to the competition kickoff gala this Friday.”

Bailey rolls her eyes and sips her drink. “So get a date. Never known you to have trouble finding one.”

“That’s the thing,” I say, rubbing the back of my neck. “I kind of need a girlfriend type of date for this.”

Bailey lowers her coffee cup and looks me in the eye.

“What’s going on?”

“There’s this woman at work,” I say. “She’s been a little… overenthusiastic about trying to get me to go out with her again.”

“You can’t just tell her no?” Bailey asks, raising an eyebrow.

“I have,” I say. “Repeatedly. But she keeps coming up with other ways to ask me out, or other events to ask me to.”

“You said ‘again,’” says Bailey. I nod.

“We went for a drink after work once.” At her arched brow, I put my hands up. “Just a drink. One drink. And it was just that one time a couple of months ago.” Mila’s attractive enough and we’ve never had a problem working together, but I didn’t feel any sparks. At the time I assumed she felt the same. I was wrong.

“Have you reported her?” Bailey asks. “Because that sounds an awful lot like harassment to me.”

“I don’t think it’s quite that bad,” I say. “Mila’s just really... persistent.”

“So you, what? Told her you’ve already got a girlfriend?”

I nod again.

“And now she’ll be at this big party for Sizzle and if you show up without a plus-one—”

“She’ll know I lied,” I finish. “Right. What do you say, Bailey? Be my fake girlfriend for a night?”

Bailey purses her lips, skeptical as all hell.

“You get to wear a fancy dress,” I say, singsonging it because Bailey loves dressing up. But I saved the kicker for last. “And you know the food is going to be spectacular.”

“Will I get to meet the kitchen disaster guy?” she asks, and I know I’ve got her.

“If you insist on meeting yet another jerk, yeah,” I say. “I’ll introduce you to him.”

“Hell yeah, I insist,” she says. “Anybody who gets under the skin of the unflappable Drew Hicks that bad deserves at least an introduction. All right. Count me in.”



“Cat got your tongue, cutie?”

The brunette standing at the bar is not getting the hint. If she got an invite to this self-important shindig, that means she works for the network, or she’s with somebody who does. I’m going with current employee. Meaning, somebody I cannot afford to piss off.
