Page 111 of Corrupted

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I’m coming, Kenrik. I’m coming. I tried not to sob, but his emotions were crushing. He was overwhelming my senses. Something was terribly wrong with him.

I slid from under Caedryn’s arm. I tiptoed to the door. With one glance back to make sure Caedryn was sound asleep, I left the room.

I can’t see you. Where are you? Your light is veiled. I felt panicked. Kenrik was hidden from me, and he needed me. He was in pain—as if he were dying.

I could hear his voice calling only my name. He didn’t answer my pleas more specifically.

Think. Think. I proceeded to the first floor, outside the main hall. He’s invisible, as if he’s cloaked. Oh. I stumbled against the wall, using it for support as my legs gave out.

He’s cloaked. He’s cloaked.

I use my darkness.

I shook my head. I grabbed a tapestry and pulled myself back to my feet.



My heart shattered into a million pieces.

Ask Caedryn.

What would he do if someone tried to take me away?

Whose blood was really on his shirt? Not Rapion’s. Not Rapion’s.

Oh, no no no.

I groped my way down the hall, searching for the citadel’s depths. The way down. Stairs. Stairs that would take me to a dungeon. Where prisoners were kept. Where Caedryn would punish someone until he bled.

Kenrik’s cloaked. Cloaked. Cloaked.

Light was spiritual. Kenrik’s light was cloaked. I couldn’t discern it. He wasn’t dead. He was unseen.

More than enough blood. Too much blood on Caedryn’s hands.

Caedryn came to claim me.

Should I be jealous? he had asked.

He’d felt threatened.

I know King Sieffre has two sons who’ve been very attentive to you.

After Caedryn beat up the prisoner, he came for me. To assure himself that I was his. To set aside his misgivings, his fears that I might have a wandering heart. He was a fool. A stupid fool.

I descended a set of stairs. Cold swept up my bare legs and brushed my spine.


I’ll find you.

Don’t be Kenrik. Please. The truth will destroy me. Please don’t be Kenrik.

I could lie to myself all I wanted. I could beg.
