Page 119 of Corrupted

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“I’ll return to him. I’m going to end this.” Kenrik stood.

“No!” I climbed to my feet and tugged his arm.

He clapped his hand over my mouth. “Shh!”

At the end of the street, people turned to look down the alley. Kenrik yanked me in the opposite direction, into the dark, toward the city’s wall. We were still a few streets away from the city’s main gate.

“First I’m taking you out of the city,” he said. “Then I’m coming back.”

I pushed him against a wall as tears filled my eyes. “You can’t. As soon as you go near him, he’d know. You’d never escape.”

“I don’t care.”

“I care. Promise me you won’t go back.”

“Niawen, don’t make me promise,” he said.

“Kenrik, please.”

He searched my face. I knew what was going on in his brain. I knew how it felt being bound to someone you didn’t want to be bound to. Kenrik hated it. I didn’t need light to tell me.

Drat. I was as good as mortal. I couldn’t feel emotions at all.

“I can’t lose you,” I said. “I love you.”

“Like a brother,” he growled.

“Yes, like a brother. Like my own flesh and blood. Like my dragon.”

“That’s not good enough.”

“It is,” I said. “This love is all we have left. If you gave me time—”

“I’m not waiting on a dream. That’s my dream, Niawen. It’s over. It’s done. When night falls, we’ll sneak out, and we’ll separate. I’ll draw Caedryn away. He’ll think you’re with me. But you keep going. Don’t ever stop. Keep your child safe.”

“He’ll read your mind. He’ll know I’m not with you.”

Kenrik swore. “How do I keep him from doing that?”

“You have to block him.”


“You tell the light what to do.” I dragged my hands down my face. “This is deranged. You have my light. Why’d I do this to you?”

“Don’t worry about it. What’s done is done.”

“You’ll hate me forever.”

“I could never hate you,” he said. “Is there anything else about the light I should know? I thought humans couldn’t harness it.”

“I know. I know. They aren’t supposed to be able to. It’s not the same as when I healed your mother. I gave you the light from my core. It’s different.”

“All right. All right.” Kenrik paced the small space. His biceps looked as if they were going to split open as he flexed and unflexed them. They seemed to throb with power. With my energy.

What did I do to him?

I touched his arm, and he stilled. “Tell the light what to do. With your mind. That’s all I have time to say.”
