Page 62 of Corrupted

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Caedryn stopped three feet in front of me. He smiled. “I’m a half-emrys.”


“Half.” He seemed pleased with my puzzlement. “My mother was mortal.”

“You can bond with mortals?” A carefully placed buttress broke inside me. A breath I’d been holding from the moment Seren lifted off from the ledge outside Gorlassar released. Tears bubbled up and fell with my anguished sob. Here was hope. Mortals and immortals could be together. A life with Kelyn was possible.

But he will die, my conscious mind nagged.

Our life together would have been but an eye blink out of my entire lifespan.

I still couldn’t have done it. I couldn’t have faced that loss when the time arose. I knew this certainty.

The tears fell with force.

My sinuses clogged, and I sucked in grating breaths as my shoulders shook. I suddenly didn’t care about the past few weeks with Kelyn and the mortals. I cared that I was forbidden from returning home. I cared that my father no longer recognized me as his own. I cared that someone was standing right before me, and I could unload every burden, because he was an emrys.

Or half-emrys.

He would understand.

Once I opened my mouth, the words poured out. “I was exiled. My father doesn’t love me. I killed… I killed people.” I sucked in a breath. The stranger would think I was insane. “Everything’s dark. My heart-center… everything hurts. It’s crushing me.”

My hands twisted together, and then I flapped them wildly. I pushed hair out of my face while tears blinded me. “I thought I was alone. Your light. Led me here. I thought… I thought you were Siana. I was afraid.” I hiccoughed. “Afraid to be alone. Afraid of death.”

Caedryn opened his arms, and I fell into them. He wrapped me tight against his shoulder. His hands stroked my hair. “Shh, Niawen. You’re not alone. Shh. And you’ll never be alone again.”


I flexed my feet and stretched my body as I yawned. Someone had stoked the fire, and my room was fairly comfortable. I wanted to burrow into the blankets and never emerge.

I was in such hysterics that Caedryn had escorted me inside immediately and to a chamber that had been prepared for my arrival. I didn’t want to leave Seren, but she assured me she was fine and agreed I should recuperate.

Although a lady’s maid gave me a calming draught, and I drifted off to sleep without another snotty whimper, I couldn’t say I was well rested.

Nor could I remember what I’d lamented to Caedryn on the short trip to my room. He seemed kind enough because he didn’t scold me for my loss of control.

I’m so embarrassed. Kelyn had entered my life with as much blubbering, and I had done the same to Caedryn. Oh, the mortification! I cried in a stranger’s arms!

Seren stretched. I was still sleeping. A flight across the country is not as effortless as you might think.

I’m sorry, Seren.

I’m teasing. I’m well enough. A building was outfitted just for me. The floor was strewn with enough straw for a comfortable mattress. It smells a bit like horses. They’re in the adjacent stable.

We’ve jumped into this too soon. I’m not sure I can face Caedryn this morning. What did I say to him?

A rapping at the door paused my conversation.

“My lady?”

I sat up. “You may enter.”

A maid came in with fresh water and towels. “I’m Lowri, my lady. Would you like me to help you dress? The master has a selection of gowns for you. Breakfast awaits. You’ll be joining Lord Caedryn.”


“Aye. The Lord of Rolant. He’s our gracious ruler.”
