Page 69 of Corrupted

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I don’t understand Caedryn. He’s not being completely honest. I feel it. Even though he shared the story of his exile, there’s more to him than that. I was tucked into Seren’s arms in her stable, watching the first snowfall through the open doors. The flakes drifted, mimicking how I felt—lazy and pacified. My emotional journey had left me subdued, for now.

Can you trust him? Seren asked.

I don’t know. The uncertainty dug under my skin.

But you’re staying.

I’ll be fine, I said.

Remember how you felt when you met Owein? You knew he was trustworthy.

I smiled over one of my favorite memories. Owein had nothing to hide. He must be the most innocent person I’ve ever met.

Caedryn is nothing like Owein.

I don’t like making comparisons. Besides. He’s an emrys. He knows what I’m going through.

Half-emrys, Seren said.

Part emrys. Part human.

What does his human side bring? He’s still immortal?

Yes, I said. But Seren posed a valid question. Caedryn’s human side was a mystery.

Darkness? she asked.

I don’t sense any darkness in him.

But what’s he hiding? Seren asked.

That is a mystery. You know me. I’ll figure his secrets out. I like a challenge.

That’s how you get into trouble.

You trust I’ll be fine, right? I asked.

You’re capable of anything, Niawen. Once you’ve set your mind on a goal, no one can stop you.

I tucked deeper into Seren’s arms. It’s time for you to go home. I’m here to stay. Cephias needs you, and you miss Gorlassar.

I can’t deny I want to return. I’m torn about leaving.

Can’t we compromise? I’ve been on this mortal plane for six weeks. You can fly home and, in another six weeks, come for a visit.

Are you sure? Seren nuzzled my head and wrapped her claws tighter around me, as if I were one of her dragonlings.

There’s still the other option.

Absolutely not, Seren said. I’m not giving my stone to another rider. Besides, how will you have word of home? How will you call me when you need me? Our bond will hold. I’ll return in six weeks.

Good. I don’t want to keep you from your life.

Seren sighed. A dragon’s life is with her rider.

We didn’t anticipate a rider who’d leave her home, I said.
