Page 94 of Corrupted

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Did he trace his fingers down my hand? Could he have been so bold as to continue up my wrist to my elbow?

I tilted my nose up to his neck and inhaled his scent. Why hadn’t I noticed his faint masculine pheromones? His skin had an aroma that was only Caedryn’s and no one else’s.

I almost sighed.

I was afraid to move. What would he say?

The heat from his body nearly melted me into a blissful state. I had an urge to share pieces of my emotions with Caedryn. He didn’t bother reading me with his light, so I kept my emotions to myself.

What would he do if I shared my content? I wanted to.

Before I decided, Caedryn unwrapped my arm from himself, and he slid out of the covers.

I frowned.

Last night had been a failure.

He looked down at me. His face held no expression.

I died.

What was he feeling? Irritation grew inside me. I shared my light with him the entire night, and he had shared nothing! I threw the covers back and rose to my knees to meet him at his eye level.

I opened my mouth to snap at him. I wanted answers.

“I’ve decided something,” he said.

As I arched an eyebrow, I shut my mouth.

He continued to scrutinize me.

I wanted to scream. Just say it!

I swung my legs around, and my feet hit the floor. I pushed off the bed and advanced on him. “You kissed me as if you wanted to consume my very being. Then pulled away. You shocked me so much I couldn’t even face you.”

He smiled.

“You were angry when I came home late. You hate that I touched you. That I dared touch you.”

His pupils scanned the features of my face, from my eyes down to my lips.

He was still smiling.

“And you say you’ve decided something,” I said. “That’s all you have to say!”

He chewed his bottom lip. This was the first time he’d done such a thing. I didn’t know why he was nervous.

“I’ve decided you make me happy,” he said.

My mouth dropped open. I had expected a more dramatic revelation. I dismissed him with a wave and whirled away. As I rounded the corner of the bed, his hand slipped into mine.

I froze, gripping the bedpost.

I didn’t consider that his words were a dramatic revelation for him. He’d stayed awake all night thinking of the perfect line, the ideal way to express how he feels about me.

I make him happy.

I smiled, but I didn’t turn around while I basked in the feel of his hand firmly pressed into mine and in the gentle tug as he attempted to pull me to himself.
