Page 97 of Corrupted

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My bath? “Oh, no! You fiend!”

“Your hair does look rather lovely, doesn’t it?”

“You listened to my thoughts?”

Caedryn chuckled and reached for me. “I’m going to try something, but I’m nervous. Hold still.” He wrapped his arms around me—stiffly. “You smell good.”

His heart sped up against my chest.

“You shouldn’t have listened to my bath or my thoughts during my bath!”

One of his fingers wound a lock of my hair behind my back. His embrace softened, only slightly. “I’m behaving, I swear! I couldn’t help myself. I especially enjoyed how ticklish you are between your toes.”

“You didn’t!”

“You do know how serious a bond is, right?”

“Of course. I just didn’t think you’d take advantage of it so soon and so readily. What impish ideas are in your head?” Embarrassment stirred inside me.

“None, I assure you. I do have one question.”


“Should I be jealous?”

I shoved out of his arms. “You. You!”

“I thought you should know how free your thoughts are.”

“Why should it matter if we’ve bonded? Don’t you want to hear my free thoughts?”

“Don’t get me wrong. I actually love it. I haven’t been in the mind of a woman before.”

As Caedryn tried to pull me back into his embrace, I realized I didn’t hear anything inside his head. “You’re still not opening up to me!”

“I will do so slowly. It’s hard. I don’t want to overwhelm you at once.”

“Oh, and my simpleminded thoughts as a woman don’t overwhelm you?”

“I’d say I’m not overwhelmed. No. Not at all.”

I huffed. “I might not be as intellectual as you are, or have such deep-seated thoughts and as tormented a past as you, but I can assure you I’m not simpleminded.”

“I didn’t say you were.”

“I will see you tonight. I have work to do.”

“As do I, Niawen dearest. As do I.”

He watched me walk away. He let me feel his sigh.

I glared at him as I turned a corner.

Pleasure—that’s all I felt in return. His allowance did not please me. I could have discerned that without a bond.

I’ll show you pleasure. I had a nicely devious plan.

