Page 13 of Chasing Wild

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“I do have a confession.” I take another sip of my drink, needing the courage.

“Did you sleep with Evan?” she asks, her eyes widening.

“No! Hell no.” I scrunch up my nose. “Just, no. I think I might have a crush on Chase Wild.”

Polly stares at me for five seconds and then busts up laughing.

“What’s so funny?”

“Of course, you do, honey. Have you seen that man? Holy shit, Summer, he’s hot as the sun, and I think you should chase him down—see what I did there?”

“Har har.”

“Chase that man down and ride him like the cowboy he is.”


“What? You should. You haven’t dated in five freaking years. It’s time to move on from those assholes and get laid, girlfriend.”

“Hi, Pot, I’m Kettle. I don’t see you dating and getting laid.”

“I’m focusing on my career right now.”

I tilt my head to the side. “Yeah? Me, too.”

“Seriously, Summer,” Polly continues. “You told me that Chase asked you out years ago.”

“He did, but I wasn’t ready for anything then. I was too…numb.”

“I get that. But you’re not numb now.”

“No, I’m not. He was so sweet when he came to my place on the Fourth, and he pops in now and then to see how I am. He even brought me cookies today because he said his mom made too many.”

“Okay, that’s sweet. And a total excuse to get to see you.”

“You think?”

“Hell yes. If he had extra cookies, he could have taken them to work or something. He wanted to see you. He’s hot, Summer. Do it. Go for it.”

“I don’t know.”

Polly rolls her eyes. “Okay, now you’re annoying me. You don’t have anything to lose. Do the hot Wild brother so you can report back and tell me all about it.”

“I don’t know if that’s a good reason to have sex,” I say, considering. “Also, I didn’t even say anything about sex to begin with. I was thinking about just dating him.”

“Do both,” Polly suggests with a wink. “And tell me all about it.”

“You’ve lived here all your life,” I reply, and lean back when our food is delivered. Polly ordered this for us, too. “God, I love tacos.”

“Me, too,” Polly says. “Sure, I’ve lived here forever. What do you want to know?”

“What do you know about the Wild family as a whole?”

“Aside from the fact that they breed hot men?” She pops a chip into her mouth and shrugs. “They were one of the founding families of Bitterroot Valley, so they go way back. Rem runs the ranch now. Chase is the cop. Brady rides rodeo every chance he gets, and he’s damn good at it.”

“Doesn’t he win awards and stuff?”

“Oh, yeah, that man is damn good on a bull. Ryan’s the second oldest.” She twists her lips before taking a bite of her taco. “He left for a long time, worked in the city. I think he was in New York, but I’m not sure. Something to do with finance.”
