Page 27 of Chasing Wild

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“My tire was slashed,” I reply and take another sip. Is it just me, or are the drinks extra delicious tonight? “Here, actually, last weekend when I was here with Polly for our girls’ night out.”

“Wait, what?” Chase is scowling at me now. “It was slashed?”

“Yeah, but I didn’t know it at the time. I left here, and when I tried to drive away, it was all wonky, so I got out to check, and sure enough, flat tire. I thought I might have just driven over a nail or something, but nope. Someone cut it. Thank goodness Evan was here that night, and he drove me home.”

His face tightens, and I tilt my head to the side. “What’s wrong?”

“You didn’t tell me this before now.”

“No, I didn’t. I guess it didn’t occur to me.”

“Someone slashed your tire.” He’s definitely irritated with me. “And you didn’t tell me.”

“I can’t prove who did it, so there was no reason to call the police,” I point out. “It was probably a random hit by some stupid kids. Brooks didn’t have my model of tire in stock and had to order it. I don’t mind walking, but I admit, I’m glad it’ll be ready for me tomorrow. I prefer driving when it’s hot like it’s been, especially for Lily’s sake.”

“There was a point in calling the police, Summer. We could have requested the security cam footage from the parking lot, so if it was kids, or some weirdo, we would have found them.”

“I didn’t think of that.” I frown down into my drink. “I’ve been so preoccupied with work, I just wanted to get the tire fixed. And I didn’t know it was vandalized on purpose until Brooks called me the next day.”

“You should have called me,” he says again, his voice hard. “I’d have driven you to work and back.”

I frown over at him. “Why are you so upset about this?”

“Because you’ve been walking to work after someone slashed your tire, alone, and I could have driven you.”

“Okay. But it’s fine. I’m fine.”

Our food arrives, but I don’t dig in like I normally would. I hold Chase’s gaze with my own.

“You know, this is our first date. And sure, we’ve seen each other quite a bit over the past couple of weeks, but…this is our first date, Chase.”

“I get it.” He sighs, wiping his hand over his forehead. “Yeah, I get it. Sorry, I just don’t like the idea of you out there before the sun comes up, walking to work with Lily.”

“It’s okay. Obviously, I called you last night when I was scared. The other stuff? The tire and the walking? It didn’t scare me.” I shrug and pick up my taco.

“Another drink?” Pete asks.

“One more,” I agree.

“I’m good. I could use some water,” Chase says and turns back to me. “Okay, let’s start over at the beginning and get back to first date conversation. What brings you to Bitterroot Valley, Miss Quinn?”

I chew, considering what to tell him. The tequila, God love it, is already starting to go to my head, and it’s a pleasant little buzz that gives me a boost of courage.

“Well, my aunt Paula, you know her”—he nods—“has lived here forever. Now that I think about it, I don’t know why she moved here. That’s something I’ll have to ask her. Anyway, like I told you before, I used to spend the summers here with her when I was a kid, and I loved it. I didn’t enjoy living in Helena.”

“Why not?”

“My parents aren’t bad people, but they’re not great parents, either. Dad was always campaigning, and Mom was obsessed with being the wife of a senator. They travel, they host parties and go to dinners, and I’m just…there. Or, I was. Anyway, I went to college, and I was expected to go into law. So, I got a political science degree.”

“Wow,” he says, winging up an eyebrow. “Where did you go?”

“University of Montana in Missoula. My parents introduced me to a guy they knew, Dennis, at a gala. He was also going to school in Missoula, and he was…nice.” I shrug a shoulder and pick up my new drink when it’s delivered. “He was handsome and made me laugh. Of course, he wanted my father’s political connections, and I knew that, but I didn’t let it bother me much.”

I take another drink and eat a chip, eyeing Chase through blurry eyes, thanks to the alcohol. He’s listening to every word I’m saying. I have his full attention, and I admit, I like that a lot.

“This is really a lot of information. Is this a first date conversation?”

“I don’t see why not,” he says and pops a fry into his mouth. “I asked. Go ahead.”
