Page 51 of Chasing Wild

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“Now that,” Abbi says, pointing her fork at Polly, “is one hell of a good name.”

With all of us in agreement, we make it official by clinking our glasses together and smiling with excitement.

“This is the best.” I smile at the others. “And I absolutely cannot drive home tonight.”

“I don’t think any of us should,” Erin says and reaches for her phone, tapping the screen. “Hey, babe. I need a ride home. Great, we’re dropping Abbi off, too.” She holds the phone against her shoulder and looks at us. “Want a ride, ladies?”

“I’ll take one,” Millie says.

“Me, too,” Polly echoes.

“Not me.” I reach for my own phone. “I’ve got a ride.”

Erin fills Remington in on the rest of their plans while I dial Chase’s number.

“Hey, Blondie.” I can hear the smile in his voice, and it makes me melt. “It’s loud where you are.”

“I had an impromptu girls’ night at The Wolf Den, and I’ve had some liquor. Are you up for giving me a ride?”

“Loaded question,” Polly says, making us laugh.

“I can come get you. Does anyone else need a lift?”

“Nope, Rem’s coming to get the others. I’d rather see you.”

“I won’t complain about that. Be there soon.”

We pay our tab and make our way out into the warm summer evening.

“It’s a nice night,” I say, taking a deep breath. “I could probably walk home, but then I wouldn’t get to see Chase, and that would be sad.”

The door opens, and Evan comes strolling out. I didn’t even see him in there.

“Ladies,” he says with a charming smile and a nod. “Does anyone need a ride home?”

“Nah, we’ve got it covered,” Millie says. “Thanks, though.”

“You sure?” he asks me, frowning with concern.

“I’m great, thanks.” Just then, Chase pulls in, and I hurry over to his truck. He climbs out and catches me up in a big hug, plants a kiss right on me, here in front of everyone, and then smiles down at me.

“You go, girl,” Polly calls out. “Go get yourself some. Wrap it before you tap it.”

“You guys have had some drinks,” Chase says with a laugh as he escorts me around to the passenger side.

I toss a grin over my shoulder at the others, give them a thumbs-up, and then climb into the truck.

“I’m not really drunk,” I inform him and reach for his hand. “But I shouldn’t drive. Besides, I wanted to see you. How was the rest of your day?”

“It’s brightened up considerably in the past fifteen minutes.” He kisses the back of my hand. “Come on, sugar, let’s go home.”



“Do we need to get Lily from anywhere?” I ask as we pull away from the bar.

“No, she’s with Aunt Paula through the weekend,” Summer replies and settles into the seat of the truck sleepily. “I have three weddings, and I won’t have much time for her, so she’s at the cottage.”
