Page 82 of Chasing Wild

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“I’d already planned on a shower,” he says with a grin. “And then I’m going to give you a massage. I don’t want your leg cramping up again after today’s hike.”

“Oh, that sounds really nice.”

He narrows his eyes just a little. “I don’t think you’ll describe it as nice when we’re finished. Come on, get in.”

The water is warm and feels great, washing away all the grime from being outside all day. We don’t find any ticks on each other, but we do a great job of checking for them, and once we’re clean, rinsed, and finished, Chase shuts off the water and leads me out of the shower.

He takes his time with a big, fluffy blue towel, paying close attention to make sure I’m dry, and when I’m about to walk to the bedroom, he stops me.

“Where are you going?”

“To the bedroom?”

“Nope. You’re not dry.”

“My hair can air dry.”

But he lifts that brow again, and I feel a little thrill zip up my spine.

“Okay, what’s next?”

He’s mostly dry now, and still fully naked and half-aroused as he takes my shoulders in his hands and kisses my forehead tenderly. Then he kisses my nose and finally my lips.

“Don’t worry about what’s next, Blondie. I’ve got this. Okay?”

I nod, and he searches my eyes for a moment, and he must like what he sees there because he leads me to the vanity where he plugs in my blow dryer and treats me to having my hair blown out. He brushes and systematically moves the tool around my head, piece by piece, drying my hair, and when he’s finished, he even reaches for my face moisturizer and dabs some onto his fingertips before working it into my skin.

I like the pampering. Having his hands on me, his eyes on me with gentle affection. And finally, he takes my hand in his, kisses it, and leads me out of the bathroom, shutting off the light as we go.

“Lie on the bed, face down,” he says as he reaches for some lotion, and I do as I’m told. Happily. Willingly.


And I sigh in delight when those big, strong hands of his start at my shoulders, and he begins kneading my muscles.

“You have the best hands,” I say with a sigh. “Just the best.”

“I’m glad you think so because I like having them on you.”

I lose track of time, and likely my own name, as he works his way down my body, rubbing my muscles. When he gets to my leg, I let out a little moan.

“Does it still hurt?” he asks, pausing on my calf.

“A little, actually. And that was a long time ago, but I have had a few cramps since then.”

“You didn’t mention that to me.”

I shrug and turn my head so I can see him. “They weren’t as bad as that first time, and I can usually walk it out. I pissed off that muscle at some point. Oh, yeah, that feels good.”

He finishes both legs and my feet, and then he sets the lotion aside and leans over to kiss my cheek.

“Roll onto your back, sweetheart.”

Not feeling shy or hesitant in the least, I do as he requests, and I bite the tip of my finger as his gaze drifts up and down my body.

“You have a mark, right here.” His finger drifts over a scar on my upper thigh. “What happened?”

“I walked into the corner of a desk when I was seventeen because I was reading a book and not watching where I was going.”
