Page 90 of Chasing Wild

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It takes all kinds, I guess.

Of course, Johnny and Holly, Rem’s kids, had a lot of fun in that pool this past summer, so I guess it’s worth it.

I pull up to a stop and grin when Ryan waves at me from where he and Jake stand with a couple of horses. This past spring, my brother rescued several horses from a neglectful situation, and they’re still healing.

“Hey,” I say as I walk to where the other two men are. I stand on the other side of the fence and grin when a pretty mare the color of chocolate walks over to me and nudges my shoulder, looking for some petting. “Hello, gorgeous. She’s so damn friendly, Ry.”

“She’s a sweetheart,” Ryan agrees with a nod. “I call her Ladybug. She seems to like it.”

I pet the mare’s nose and glance over at Jake, who’s bridling a white mare.

“How’s it going, Jake?”


Ryan rolls his eyes. “He’s a kid of few words.”

“I am doing fine,” Jake says with a shrug. “I get to hang out with these girls all day. I have nothing to complain about.”

“That’s more like it.” I grin and kiss the horse’s cheek.

“Hey,” Jake croons to the horse as he fastens the bridle. “That’s a good girl. You’re okay, sweetheart.”

“Has a way with horses,” Ryan says, and I see Jake smile, but he doesn’t look this way. “And he’s bunking here this weekend.”

“You don’t have a bunkhouse.”

“No. Ryan set me up inside,” Jake says, volunteering the information. “Janice and Wally took the kids to the hot springs this weekend.”

“Why didn’t they take you?” I ask him.

“Because I’m not their kid, no matter what the state says. They’re just in it for the check every month anyway.” He shakes his head and turns to get the blanket that goes on the horse’s back under the saddle and then the saddle itself. “It’s fine by me. I’m definitely not their kid, and I don’t want to hang out with them any more than I have to.”

I narrow my eyes at the boy. “Is everything okay in that house, Jake?”

“Fine.” With the horse saddled, he hops up into the seat and looks down at Ryan. “I’ll be back in a few.”

Ryan nods, and as Jake rides away, we share a look.

“Something isn’t right there,” Ryan says. “He swears that they’re not mean to him or anything, but they do shit like this all the damn time. Go do fun things with their real family and leave Jake behind. Sure, he’s old enough to be home alone, but?—”

“I don’t like it either.” I sigh, watching Jake ride the horse gently in the field, speaking softly to her. “I’ll make some calls and see what I can find out.”

I glance back at my brother, and I can see the wheels turning in his head as he watches Jake.

“What are you thinking?” I ask him.

“I have a hunch, that’s all. And if I’m right, I’m already fucking pissed.”

I nod, understanding perfectly.

“I’ll keep you posted.”



“I’m so excited.” I practically bounce on my feet as Polly and I walk in the sunshine toward Bitterroot Valley Coffee Co. “I can’t believe she actually did it.”
