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But to my absolute horror, his eyes got bright as he stared over my shoulder. “Shit, I just saw her.”

“Do not start crying.” I glanced up at the sky and blinked. “If you had any idea how long this makeup took, you’d take pity on me.”

Behind him, I saw guests starting to filter toward the adjacent garden, where the ceremony would take place. From where she stood, Molly was protected from view by a large hedge. I clutched my purse tightly, and Logan laid a hand on mine, squeezing gently.

“I don’t think you have anything to worry about, Iz. She’s not here.”

I turned my hand and clutched his. “I know. I think I always knew she wasn’t going to come.”

His eyes, so capable of seeing through all of us, studied me carefully. “From the first day, it’s been her loss. And my unbelievable gain.”

When my eyes watered, I let out a deep breath. “Today is going to be great,” I told him. “Even if you cry like a baby when you walk her down the aisle.”

He chuckled.

“Who’s crying like a baby?” Paige asked. She grinned at Logan when he stepped away from me and slid an arm around her waist. “Is it you, husband?”

“Maybe,” he murmured.

“Ready to go see our girl?” Paige said gently. “She’s waiting.”

Logan nodded, his jaw tight.

I stood in place and watched them walk hand in hand toward Molly. My sister turned and saw Logan, and my big brother had to stop to rub suspiciously at his eyes. Paige rubbed his back, which heaved on a massive breath. He approached Molly, shaking his head. He reached out and swiped a thumb under her eyes, and when they embraced tightly, I had to look down at the grass so I didn’t absolutely lose it.

No matter what happened for the rest of the day, I would be okay.

Or tomorrow, or the week after.

Even if I felt slightly hollowed out after what happened with Aiden, and his continued silence, days like today filled some of that void with pure joy.

It’s the only reason I could smile as I turned toward the hotel.

But I stopped short, the breath knocked out of me like a punch.


He was at the end of the path, waiting for me. Hair slicked back neatly, jaw slightly dark with stubble, and his muscular frame covered in a deep navy suit that fit him so perfectly I could’ve wept. He wore no tie, his hands hanging loosely at his sides.

My hand fluttered to my stomach, and his eyes tracked the movement.

It must have been enough for him because he approached with long-legged strides, eyes confident, mouth slightly curved in a smile.

“Wh-what are you doing here?” I asked.

His eyes traced my face, but he said nothing until he held out his hand. “I’m here for you.”

The sight of his arm outstretched blurred through the tears that filled my eyes until I willed them away. Taking in a slow breath, I slid my palm against his, only exhaling when he wove our fingers together.

Together, we walked down a short fork in the paved path, and he gave me a secretive smile over his shoulder when we turned around a large tiled wall to a small enclosed garden.

I was gripping his hand so tightly when he stopped, I wondered if he would pull away. Instead, he took my other hand in his, gently curled his fingers around my wrist, lifting it up to his mouth so he could press a kiss to where I’d worn the brace.

His eyes held fast to mine, and honestly, I wasn’t sure how I was still standing.

I wasn’t sure how my legs still worked or how my heart was still pounding blood to my body because it all rushed through my head.

Even with my heels, he towered over me, but Aiden gently tugged, pulling me into his arms.
