Page 129 of Forbidden

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“Ready to go back to bed?” he asked.

I nodded.

I was ready for all of it with him. With her. Most of all, I was just ready for our life together to start, and as I fell asleep in his arms, I had a feeling it just had.



Six months later

“It’s not very pretty.”

Under my breath, I laughed at Anya’s dubious expression. We sat on the bed in my bedroom with Aiden, and in front of her was the pink enamel lockbox I’d found online.

“It’s pink, though, so that’s something.”

She gave me a look. “I might have a new favorite color next year. What am I going to do with all my secret stuff then?”

I hummed. “Well, maybe we can spray-paint it if that happens.”

She eyed mine. “You never changed yours?”

With a shake of my head, I fished the key out of the small bag and jiggled the lock until I could finagle the box open. “It was a gift from my nan—Logan’s mom. She knew I needed a place that was just mine to keep all my special things that should be kept safe.”

“What’s in it?” Anya leaned forward.

I showed her each item, explaining where they came from, why I felt they were important. When I got to the letter I’d written to her dad, I paused before pulling it out.

“Now this is something I’ve never shown anyone,” I told her.

Her eyes widened. “Really?”

Next to me was another envelope I hadn’t shown anyone, but we’d get to that eventually.

Very carefully, I picked up the folded paper and shook my head at the sight of my neat penmanship, the doodles of purple ink along the side.

“I wrote this letter when I was a teenager.”

She shifted to her knees, teeth tugging on her bottom lip in her interest. “You never sent it?”

Pulling open the paper, I shook my head. “I decided it should just stay a secret.”

It was a risk to show her. But over the last year, this young lady had become my built-in sidekick, my ride or die, outside of her dad.

When I handed her the paper, the diamond on my engagement ring caught the light.

Anya took the letter, her eyes widening on the first line.

“It’s for my dad,” she whispered.

I nodded.

“And you kept it all this time?” Her finger followed along with the words on the lined paper as she read it.

“Pretty crazy, huh?”

Anya’s eyes were bright with excitement. “How’d you know you were going to meet him?”
