Page 21 of Forbidden

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With a quick glance back by the bathroom, there was still no sign of her dad, so I shook my head and jumped, grabbing the chain along the top of the bag and pulling my body weight as high as I could go. Hoisted up like that, I tugged my legs up, wrapping them around the upper middle of the heavy bag, and crossed my feet at the ankles.

With a glance in her direction, I let go of the chains and let my upper body slowly fall back.

“Whoa,” she whispered.

My braid was swinging toward the ground when I lifted my upper body and did a couple of sit-ups from that hanging position. She clapped excitedly.

“How many more should I do?” I asked her.


“Oof. Okay. Then you’ll hop down to me?”


“Count for me then, boss lady,” I told her.

“One, two, threeeeeee,” she stretched out. I groaned as I did number four, and she giggled.

“You should be a trainer here,” I told her. “I pull that slow counting crap in my classes too.”

We made it as far as seven when I noticed someone approach from the corner of my eye, a tall shadow blocking the overhead lights of the gym.


Today, he was wearing a white T-shirt, snug across his boulder-like chest. His arms were folded over that chest, and even though I was hanging upside down, I could see the tightness in his mouth as he surveyed our little scene.

The girl stopped her counting. “Hi, Daddy! Look at the lady’s cool trick!”

That was when my ankle lost its grip, and I fell off the bag, landing at my boss’s feet in a tangled, graceless heap.

Chapter Five


Maybe, just maybe, I thought, if I pretend that didn’t happen, he’ll be gone when I open my eyes. My legs flopped to the ground, and I winced when I rolled to my side, eyes still pinched shut.

“Whoa,” the little girl’s voice said. Aiden’s little girl’s voice. “You fell super hard, Miss Isabel.”

Fuuuuuck me, honestly.

“You okay?” he asked. His voice was close—low and rough—and it raised the hair on my arms.

Was I okay? Such an interesting question. Because no … I wasn’t.

I wanted to erase every freaking interaction I’d had with him, scrub it from my brain with bleach because somehow, they just kept getting worse.

But was I actually, physically fine? Uh-huh, sure, let’s go with that.

I let out a slow breath and took stock of my body, because if I’d hurt anything, hopping up was a terrible idea. “Yeah, I am.”

When I pried open my eyes, Aiden was crouched down, hands hanging in between his bent knees. His face was lined with concern, but he made no move to touch me, thank the Lord in heaven above.

If I was this much of a klutz when he breathed the same air as me, I’d probably spontaneously orgasm if we made skin-to-skin contact.

He nodded, rising slowly as I stood off the mats. Bracing his hands on his hips, his eyes turned toward his daughter, still swinging her legs up on that steel beam like she was at the freaking playground.

“Anya,” he said, all steady and calm, but I saw the tension in his jaw. “Time to get down.”
