Page 31 of Forbidden

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“Sure. When’s the game?”

As I scrolled through my phone calendar, he named the mid-September date. “Molly going to the game too?”

Paige shook her head. “She doesn’t want to use any time off that close to the wedding. I think she’ll be gone for work, anyway.”

Because we’d already teased her relentlessly about it when she first started her planning, I raised my voice when I replied. “Yeah, what kind of bride plans an October wedding in a family of athletes?”

Molly raised her voice right back. “I knew it was a bye week, okay? You try to book the venue of your dreams when half the people in your family play in some sort of professional sport.”

Paige laughed.

She wasn’t wrong. Juggling the schedules of my sisters and their significant others was a nightmare.

“Lia will be gone at an away game with Jude, and Claire is going to be up in Vancouver with Bauer while he trains.”

I waved off Paige’s explanations. “It’s fine. Plenty of time to request the weekend off.”

“New guy won’t mind?” she asked.

My gaze stayed locked onto my phone. “I can’t see why he would.”

Emmett ran into the kitchen and dumped his plate into the sink with a crash. Paige rolled her eyes.

“Am I staying with you when they leave, Iz?”

“I think we’ll stay here if that’s okay.”

He nodded. “Totally. Your apartment is so boring.”

“It is not. I just don’t require seventy-plus inches of my wall space dedicated to television viewing like some people I know.” I gave Logan a look.

“Yeah,” Emmett said, “that’s why it’s sucks. You’ve lived there for two years, and you watch on your dinky laptop.”

Paige nudged him out of the kitchen. “Go do your homework before she changes her mind, you little punk.”

“And quit saying sucks,” Logan called after his retreating back.

“If that’s the worst he says at the age of ten, he’s doing better than we were,” I reminded him.

He rubbed his temples. “I listen to cursing athletes all day at work, and sometimes, I think the worst language I’ve heard came from the four of you as you were growing up.”

“That’s why you love us.”

“And that love is why I am going prematurely gray.” He sighed.

Paige patted his stomach. “My sexy silver fox,” she purred, leaning up for a kiss.

I could handle PDA from about two percent of the population, but when he grabbed her ass, I shuddered.

“And on that note,” I said, walking from the kitchen with a hand covering my eyes. “Bye, everyone,” I said, with a wave to the group at the table.

“You’re leaving already?” Molly asked with a pout. It did not escape my notice that Noah had slowly ripped off pieces of his bread to the point where she’d eaten his whole slice. No wonder she was nicer now.

“I’m beat,” I told her. “And I have to teach three classes tomorrow with Kelly gone.”

“I’m going to come work out with you,” Molly said after blowing me a kiss.

“’K. Just shoot me a text so it goes in the schedule. I don’t want anyone else booking me for a time that works for you.”
