Page 59 of Forbidden

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“If I thought she’d actually come, I’d probably need to medicate,” Lia said.

Claire smiled. “I could go either way. But I tend to agree.”

Aiden glanced over while I sat on the ground with them as they began stretching. But his client started a new rep, and he pulled his gaze from me and the twins.

“I’d just rather not think about her coming or not coming,” I told them. “I hate that hanging over the day.”

Claire wrapped her hands around the bottom of her shoe and leaned forward. “Just don’t fight that discomfort, you know? Ignoring your feelings about it will only make it worse.”

“Thank you, Miss Future Therapist.”

She smiled. “Plus, even if she does come, no one says you have to engage with her at all.”

Lia pressed her arm over her chest and stretched. “She’s not gonna show. No way she has the guts.”

When I shifted on the floor, Claire gave her twin a look. “We’ve got plenty of time to figure it out.”

Apparently, my desire to talk about Brooke was stamped pretty clearly on my face.

Lia snuck a look over her shoulder, where Aiden was guiding his client in some lunges. He pointed out something in her form, and she nodded, immediately adjusting. “Holy shit, is that Allie Catalano?”

I nodded.

She whistled. “I can’t wait to tell Jude.”

“How’s it going with him?” Claire asked carefully.

I gave her a look. “Perfectly fine, thank you.”

Claire smiled. “Has he talked about his wife much? I can’t imagine how hard it must be to start over like that.”

“Just once,” I said, watching him again. His eyes found mine and held.

Instead of looking away, like I might have before, I took a deep breath and gave him a small smile.

“Not really the kind of topic you can push if someone doesn’t want to discuss it,” Lia said. “Imagine if Logan lost Paige. He wouldn’t be able to talk easily about her either.”

The three of us went quiet. My heart went a little pinched, a little achy at the thought of it. He’d never be ready. Never.

Maybe that was the kind of marriage Aiden had too. The kind he’d never get over.

One day at a time, I reminded myself.

The twins left.

His client left.

A class started and ended while I continued to work.

And I found myself unable to stop thinking about what Lia had said. What this fresh start might mean to him.

As I thought it, a giant truck pulled up in front of the building and I hopped up off the floor to go to Aiden’s office.

“Got a minute?” I asked, popping my head around the corner.

He sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. “For you, yeah.”

My cheeks went warm, and in the light of his office, I thought maybe his did too.
