Page 78 of Forbidden

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There was a reason I’d worked him so hard, but it wasn’t like I was going to explain it to him.

I nodded. “Glad to hear it. Next time we’ll focus on your footwork. You still have a tendency to want to square up in front of me, you’re leaving too much of your body open.”

He grinned. “After today, that’s the last thing I want. Felt like I was facing you back in your fighting days.”

Somehow I managed a polite smile. There was a reason for that. In that tiny closet, I’d almost descended on Isabel like a ravenous fucking beast. One more second, and without the interruption that had stopped me, I would’ve torn clothes, knocked over shelves, held her still while I lost my mind from want.

It wouldn’t have been slow or sweet or respectful. And if I was expected to share space with her, even for five minutes, I needed to sweat all of it out.

“I’ll see you next week,” I told him.

“Sounds good.” He hooked his gym bag over his shoulder, smiling at Emily as she approached with the gym phone in hand.

Judging by the look in her eye, I was not going to get out of here like I wanted. I was already itching to go get Anya.

“Phone’s for you,” Emily said. “You can take it on the cordless or in your office.”

I sighed. “Did they say who it was?”

“It’s Molly Ward. Isabel’s sister.”

Brows lowered in confusion, I took the cordless from her outstretched hand.

“This is Aiden.” It was still loud in the gym, and I pressed my free hand to my other ear to hear her better. And as soon as I did, my stomach dropped out of my feet. “Shit,” I barked. “And you haven’t heard back from her?”

“No, I’m so sorry. And I don’t want to distract her by trying to call if she’s right in the middle of climbing down with Anya.”

I jogged back to my office and snagged my keys and cell phone. “Unfortunately this doesn’t surprise me. My daughter has a tendency to do this whenever she wants a little extra attention.”

“I’m sure she’s okay,” Molly insisted. “Isabel would never let anything happen to her.”

Words stuck in my throat, because even if I knew Molly was probably right, and the likelihood that Anya was hurt was slim, even the idea of it had my body going cold with terror.

Losing Beth had been awful. Exhausting. Heartbreaking.

But if anything happened to Anya … I wasn’t sure I could survive it.

“I’m leaving the gym now, but this is my cell,” I rattled off my number and Molly repeated it. “Call me if you hear anything.”

“I promise, I will.” Molly said my name quietly. “Just take a deep breath, okay? Especially before you get behind the wheel.”

I clenched my teeth, but somehow her voice was comforting enough, kind enough, that I was able to do as she said.

Disconnecting the call after thanking Molly, I shoved my phone in my pocket and yelled for one of the trainers. He looked exactly like one of the other guys, and they were both in college, and I still couldn’t remember their fucking names.

“I need you to stay and help Emily close up. If you can’t, ask the other one.” I snapped my fingers. “What’s his name again?”

He grinned. “He’s Grady, I’m Gavin.”

“No fucking wonder,” I mumbled.


“Nothing. You can stay?”

“Yeah, no problem.”

I jogged out of the building with a shove to the front door, my feet pounding on the pavement.
