Page 95 of Forbidden

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“Holy shit, girl, you and I are going to talk when we get home.”

Logan sighed, pulling the gear shift so he could back the vehicle out of the driveway. “I don’t have to be a part of that conversation, do I?”

“No,” Paige and I answered in unison.

“Excellent.” He caught my eye in the rearview mirror and winked. “Ready to go home?”

I sank back against the seat and sighed. “You have no idea.”

Chapter Twenty-Two




“Paige, I’m so bored.” I pushed my lip out, but all she did was roll her eyes. I’d never pouted in my life, but this seemed as good a time as any. “I have been doing nothing for the last three days. You can’t keep me here. You heard the Wolves’ chiro, he said if I feel fine, I can do light desk work. Kelly texted me that the schedule is a mess.”

She finished putting away the groceries. “Yeah, I also heard him say you needed to be careful because of how out of whack your hip was. He said ice and stretch and rest, nothing strenuous for a few days.”

“It’s been a few days.”

“He was here yesterday, Iz.”

My breath came out in an angry puff, moving into the family room so I could sit on the couch. Emmett tossed me a controller, and I shook my head. “No thanks, bud, I’ve played enough video games to last me for ten years.”

“You know,” Paige said from the kitchen, “this just shows how badly you need to find a hobby. Only workaholics freak out after three days off.”

“I have hobbies.”

She laughed. “Name one.”

“I—” My jaw set mulishly when nothing sprang to mind. “I love hanging out with my family. And … sports. I love sports.”

“That doesn’t count, Iz.” She pulled a box of Pop-Tarts out of the paper bag. “Admit it or I won’t toss you one of these.”

“That’s emotional warfare,” I told her. “And I’m not admitting anything. There is nothing wrong with loving my job and wanting to be there. I’ve always been like this. It doesn’t mean I don’t have hobbies.”

“Falling out of trees to rescue your hot boss's daughter doesn’t count, kid.”

Eyes wide, I gestured at Emmett.

“He’s not listening,” Paige said.

“Yes, I am.” He hit buttons on the controller. “You think Mr. Hennessy is hot?”

I gave Paige a look. “Answer that carefully.”

The only way I could describe her smile was pure evil. “My, my, someone sounds possessive. You never did tell me what happened.”

“Nothing happened.” Again, I pointed at Emmett.

“Liar,” she mouthed.

“So, the wedding,” I said. “Getting close, huh?”

“What an inconspicuous subject change.” But Paige smiled as she glanced down at her watch. “I actually have to go. I’m meeting Molly at her and Noah’s place to go over the last details for the rehearsal dinner. If you’re so bored, you could come.”
