Page 97 of Forbidden

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“If you’ve got someone who weighs in at one ninety before the match, but normally weighs two fifteen, and he’s going against a guy who’s a healthy one seventy-five, you will have more injuries. Serious ones too. Not just the injuries that can come from a fair fight. It’s one of the reasons I was ready to be done when I retired.”

She smiled. “No chance you’d ever return?”

“No, my fighting days are over. I’m excited about what we can accomplish here.”

I shifted my weight, and Aiden noticed.

He did a quick double-take, and his countenance went as dark as a thundercloud. Head down, I walked back to my office and hoped it would be a very, very long interview.

The newscaster started speaking again, and I closed my office door.

“Well, shit,” I whispered.

I got to work because I had a feeling my door would burst open, and a very tall, very angry man would be behind it as soon as it did.

As I was staring at the computer screen and clicking through a few things, my phone buzzed.

Molly: Ooooooooooh, PAIGE TOLD ME ABOUT THE LINGERING EYE CONTACT. You owe me stories.

Molly: I need something to distract me from wedding stress. Why didn’t we just elope on a beach with our families??

Me: It’s not too late, Mol. You still can.

Molly: Don’t think I don’t notice how you deflect.

Me: See? Wedding isn’t getting you down. Still sharp as a tack.

The phone got tucked back into my bag, and when I heard someone knock on the door, I froze.

“Come in,” I said.

Gavin popped his head in. “Got a minute?”

“Of course. What’s up?”

He nodded at the clunky black wrist brace I was wearing. “How long until you can ditch that?”

“Another week probably. Thanks for covering for me this afternoon.”

“Sure.” He pulled his phone out. “I wasn’t sure if I was supposed to take any pictures or videos for our social media with that news crew showing up, so this is all I got.”

I flipped through a couple of shots, stopped to watch a quick video he’d snagged of Aiden demonstrating a few moves in the ring with one of our regulars. “These are great, Gav. Can you text them to me?”


Gavin was only a couple of years younger than I was, one of our college students working toward a kinesiology degree. Once he had that piece of paper, and whatever else he decided to add to his education, he’d be far more qualified for this job than I was. But moments like this made me even more thankful Amy had taken a chance on me.

Now I just needed the big, angry guy out in the main area to figure out his issues so I didn’t have to worry about my place.

Or my heart.

Standing a few inches taller than my five-foot-ten, Gavin studied my forehead after sending the text. “You’re gonna have a badass scar.”

I smiled. “Totally my intention.”

It was at the moment I was smiling up at him that a very large body stepped into the doorway of my office.

“A minute of your time, Ward,” he all but growled.
