Page 135 of Promise Me This

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Harlow took a deep breath and let it out slowly. “Do you remember back in New York, I talked to you about what dating is like. You start with going out with someone, for drinks or dinner, to get to know them better, see if you’re compatible. See if you like each other.”

Sage nodded, her eyes wide in her face.

“Dinner with Coach Scott felt a little too close to a date for me,” she said slowly. Harlow looked at me, and the change in her expression had my chest clenching tight. “And I didn’t need to go on one with him, because I already had someone else I’d rather be with,” she said quietly. “Who I already know, and trust, and?—”

“Holy shit, are you dating Ian now?” she interrupted loudly.

“Sage,” Harlow sighed. “Language.”

“Yes!” She punched her fist in the air. “Finally.”

I sat back in my chair, and Harlow’s mouth fell open. She recovered quickly. “You … you knew?”

Sage grinned, holding her fist out to me. Numbly, I tapped mine to hers.

“Duh. I know what chemistry looks like when I see it.” She shrugged. “I thought it might take a while, but you guys didn’t see how you looked at each other. So obvious.”

I swiped my hand over my mouth, exhaling a disbelieving laugh.

Harlow smiled at her daughter. “So you’re okay with this? Even if we keep living here?”

She nodded. “Totally.” Then she held up her hands. “Wait. Wait. Does this mean I’ll finally get a little brother or sister? Oh please say yes. I was not cut out to be an only child. I have to pass along all my skills to someone.”

I couldn’t help it; I tipped my head back and laughed.

Harlow joined me.

And while Sage watched with her eyes gleaming, I leaned in and gave Harlow a sweet kiss on the lips. “I think that went well,” I murmured.

“I think so too.”

“Does that mean we’re done now? Because I learned something new on Mario Kart this weekend, and I think I can finally beat Ian.”

I stood, stretching my hands over my head. “Yeah right. I’d like to see you try.”

We went over to the couch, and before starting up the game, Sage turned and wrapped her arms around my waist for a quick, fierce hug.

“I’m really happy it’s you,” she whispered.

I set a hand on her back and smiled at Harlow over her head. “Me too, kid. Me too.”

Chapter 33


“Did you know that the male duck has a corkscrew-shaped penis?”

My hands froze as I attached the drawer to a new nightstand for Sage’s bedroom. Slowly, I turned and glanced at Harlow, where she sat at the table, her blue-light-blocking glasses perched on her nose while she stared at her laptop.

“I did not,” I said slowly.

“And that the female duck has a corkscrew-shaped vagina.” She shook her head. “Crazy.”

Carefully, I set down my electric drill and pinned her with a look. “And this is for a book?”

“Uh-huh.” Her brows furrowed and she leaned closer to the screen. “Good Lord, their vaginas go in the opposite pattern of the dude duck’s thing, so he can’t go as far as he wants, and it keeps her from an unwanted pregnancy. That is insane,” she said. “Who needs a chastity belt?”

“What kind of research are you doing?”
