Page 33 of Promise Me This

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With a relieved smile on my face, I shook my head. “What are you working on?”

He started to answer, but the door swung open, and his brother Cameron walked in with a tall, dark-haired guy I didn’t recognize. They both froze when they saw me.

Ian’s brother was taller and broader than the last time I saw him, short golden-brown hair and chiseled good looks that the entire family was blessed with. Of the two men, he recovered first, a friendly smile splitting his face.

“Harlow,” Cameron said. “Good to see you.”

“Hey, Cameron. You too.” I gestured to Ian. “Just stopping by to ask him something, but I’ll get out of your way.”

Ian cleared his throat pointedly. “Jax there is the one who gave me the shit advice to ignore you.”

The guy in question widened his eyes. “That’s not what I said.” His gaze swung to me. “That’s not what I said.”

I quirked an eyebrow. “Let me guess, you’re single.”

Cameron snorted. “Terminally.”

Jax sighed. “I didn’t … I didn’t tell him to ignore you.”

I waved that off. “It’s fine. I’m incapable of letting something go when it comes to this guy, so we’re good now.” I skirted past them, pausing when I came face-to-face with Jax. “Just maybe stop giving people advice. You’re not very good at it.”

I patted him on the shoulder, and Cameron coughed to cover his laughter.

When I glanced back at Ian, he was grinning, the white flash of his teeth dissipating the remaining tension held in my chest.

“See you later?” I asked.

Ian’s smile softened. “Yeah, you will.”

“No wonder you two get along,” the guy next to Cameron mumbled. “She’s the female version of you.”

“I’ll take that as a compliment,” I said breezily.

Ian’s laughter made my chest warm and light as I left the shop.

Chapter 7


Jax glared daggers at me for the rest of the day, which Cameron found hilarious. And by the time I finished the legs of the chairs I was working on, they’d wrapped up at the worksite, and we had a brief meeting with Ivy and Cameron about the website. Greer was patched in on speakerphone since she lived a couple of hours away with her husband and stepdaughter.

Ivy talked about booking a photographer to take some shots of the shop and stuff I was working on. My mind wandered easily to Harlow walking into the shop, the unrelenting way she called me out on my distance. I fought a smile because I should’ve known it would only be a matter of time before she realized that me working fourteen-hour days every day was a little suspect. We weren’t that busy.

Cameron cleared his throat. Loudly. Ivy stared at me with her eyebrows raised.

“Is that okay, Ian?” Ivy asked.

I blinked. What the fuck had she been talking about? “Yeah. Great. The photographer.”

Cameron smothered a grin, and Ivy looked surprised.

“What?” I asked.

Ivy crossed her arms. “Just surprised you agreed so easily, but I’m not one to look a gift horse in the mouth, so let’s move on.”

Through the phone, Greer snickered.

“Wait, what did I agree to?” I glanced back and forth between them. “You said he’s taking pictures of the shop, right?”
