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False alarm – When you’re scared about a problem but then discover the problem isn’t a problem after all


I flip through my agenda in search of the information Brody wants. Where is it?

I give up on flipping through the daily calendar and turn to the month in overview. Maybe it’ll give me a clue where I should look next.

I frown when I notice what day it is. That can’t be right.

I check my computer. It says the same day.

I check my phone. Also, the same day.

My watch. Again. The same day.

Shit. Shit. Shit. My period is late.

I blow out a breath. This can’t be right. I can’t be pregnant. I take my pill every day. I never skip a day. I haven’t been ill and thrown up my pill. It’s not possible I’m pregnant.

But the proof is staring me in the face. I missed my period. And the whole dang reason I take the pill is to have a regular period.

This is a disaster. Fender is going to think I’m trying to trap him.

Take a pregnancy test.

For once my inner voice is the voice of reason. Okay. I’ll take a test. It’ll prove I’m not pregnant and all will be well.

I stop with my hand on the front door. I can’t buy a test in Winter Falls. I haven’t lived here long, but I’m pretty certain the whole town would be wagging their tongues about my being pregnant before I managed to take the test and figure out if I was even pregnant!

But I can’t go to White Bridge either. I don’t have a car. The town has cars the residents can use but those are for emergencies. This is an emergency but I can’t exactly tell anyone what the emergency is.

Why did I think living in a small town would be fun? I must have been delusional.

Think, Leia. Think. Where can I get a car?

I’m not borrowing Fender’s. My phone rings. Speak of the devil. I ignore the call. I’ll deal with him later.

Who else owns a vehicle in Winter Falls? Most people don’t since there’s no need for a car if you live and work in town.

Virginia walks to the library for work. And Indigo walks to the school.

Wait a minute. Indigo walks to school, but Cash has a car. What are the chances I can borrow it?

“Can I ask for a favor? No questions asked?” I ask the second she picks up the phone.

She giggles. “Can I ask what the favor is?”

“I need a car to go to White Bridge.”

“I’m going with you. I won’t ask questions now. But you will tell me what’s happening before the end of the day,” she demands.

“You drive a hard bargain.”

“I can’t protect you from the busybodies of town if I don’t know what’s happening.”

I hate how she’s right. I blow out a breath. “Okay. How soon can you be here?”

“On my way.”
