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“I thought you wanted to make chocolate chip cookies.”

It’s our Saturday tradition.

“I almost forgot.” She races toward the house. I follow at a normal pace.

I glance back at the rockstar standing in my front yard. He hasn’t moved from where we left him. I make a shooing motion with my hand.

I don’t need a man like him in my life. I don’t need a man period. Learned my lesson there.

And I’m done with people who tell me what to do and order me around. He can go choke on his guitar for all I care. Being sexy doesn’t mean he can be an ass.

Chapter 2

Fender – a bass player who doesn’t know what to do about a woman who doesn’t care he’s a rockstar


I'll treasure and protect,

With you, I'll resurrect.

Cash smiles as he finishes singing the lyrics to our new song Resurrect. Cash is the singer and songwriter for the band Cash & the Sinners. Resurrect is his favorite number. Not surprising since the song is all about him convincing his high school sweetheart to give him another chance.

Dylan slaps him on the back. He plays lead guitar for the band. He’s also sporting a big smile. Probably because he’s in love with Virginia, a girl he went to high school with but had forgotten all about. Somehow he managed to convince her to give him a chance.

I frown. Love is fine for the two of them, but I want no part of it. I learned my lesson. Love isn’t for me.

A picture of my neighbor, Leia, pops into my mind. The woman is a firecracker wrapped up in a tiny package. She can’t be much taller than five feet. She doesn’t weigh much either. Although, I did enjoy the feel of her slight weight on top of me. Until she kneed me in the balls.

Her daughter, Isla, is a copycat of her mom. Blonde curly hair, blue eyes, and a mischievous smile.

Gibson snaps his fingers in front of me. “Earth to Fender. Earth to Fender.”

“Ah, leave the poor man alone,” Jett says. “He’s probably daydreaming about Leia.”

“She is one hot mamma.” I narrow my eyes at Gibson and he holds up his hands. “Don’t worry. I won’t steal your woman away.”

“Not my woman,” I grumble.

Jett and Gibson cackle in response. Why I agreed to live with these two yahoos is beyond me. Gibson is the rhythm guitarist for the band. He’s also a charmer who thinks getting a woman to drop her panties in two seconds is his greatest achievement.

Jett isn’t much better. He’s the drummer and a daredevil who doesn’t think twice about racing around a track in a motorbike at 200 miles per hour when he’s supposed to be doing a soundcheck.

“She’s pretty,” Cash chimes in because no one can keep their nose out of my business.

“Fender probably weighs twice what she does. Do you think he’d crush her when they’re banging?” Jett asks.

Gibson rolls his eyes. “How long has it been since you got laid? There are a multitude of ways to bang without crushing the woman. Reverse cowgirl is one of my favorites.”

If I had Leia in my bed, there’s no way we’d be in the reverse cowgirl position. I’d rather gaze into her cheeky blue eyes or watch her tits bounce up and down. Although, I bet staring at her ass as I thrust into her wouldn’t be a bad view either.

My pants tighten. I inhale a deep breath and tell my cock to calm down. He won’t be inside Leia anytime soon. Or ever.

I’m done with relationships and Leia isn’t a one-night stand type of woman. She’s the woman you introduce to your family. Too bad for her I have no family worth introducing a woman to.

Jett throws his sticks down and prowls toward Gibson. “I’ve been laid plenty. I’m probably winning.”

I scowl. Jett and Gibson need to stop their stupid competition about who can sleep with the most women. I may not want a relationship but I know better than to use women as pawns in a game. This competition is going to bite them both in the ass.
