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He leads her to a large cage where a squirrel is chirping away while scurrying around.

“She’s cute. Can I hold her?” Isla asks.

“I’m afraid not. But you can give her a nut.”

Isla nabs the nut from Forest and holds it out to Sammy the squirrel. Sammy doesn’t hesitate to steal the nut from my daughter’s hands.

At the sound of her giggle, relief hits me. Isla is a wonderful little girl but she is prone to spending the day sulking if she doesn’t get what she wants.

“You ready for some ice cream?” I ask after Isla’s spent a good ten minutes watching the squirrel.

I don’t wait for her answer and herd her out of the pet store to the ice cream store, Feather’s Frozen Delights, next door.

“Isla and Leia, two of my favorite people,” Feather greets as we enter.

“I’m getting ice cream,” Isla declares in response.

Feather motions to the counter. “Good thing I have ice cream then.” She grabs a cone and a scoop. “What’s your favorite flavor?”


She prepares Isla’s cone before addressing me. “What’ll it be, Leia?”

“I’ll have blackberry, please.”

“Good choice. As is Fender. He’s…”

I slash a hand in front of my throat to cut her off. Feather’s nose wrinkles in confusion. I point to Isla and mouth they had a fight. It’s not exactly the truth, but it’s the easiest and quickest way to stop this gossip gal from starting her matchmaking magic.

“This ice cream is fabulous,” I say before Feather can figure out how to proceed. I pay and then motion to the door. “Do you want to sit in the gazebo?”

Isla shrugs and I hurry her out the door. We pass Clove’s Coffee Corner on our way to the town square but the café has already closed for the day. Phew. I don’t need another gossip gal bringing up Fender.

We settle on a bench in the gazebo situated on the town square. This town may be full of quirky residents but the view is worth it. Mountains rise up looking all majestic in the distance. I could stare at the view all day.

Winter Falls is everything I ever wanted for my child. And worth every sacrifice I had to make to get here. I love this town and its inhabitants. Except for the neighbor who is currently on my shit list. Speaking of which.

“Isla,” I begin.

“Mom,” she whines.

“What?” All I did was say her name.

“You’re using the lecture voice.”

“I don’t have a lecture voice.”

She snorts. “Yes, you do. Isla, do you know what happens if you don’t clean your room? Isla, do you want us to have ants because you didn’t do the dishes?”

“I don’t sound…” I trail off. I can’t win an argument with Isla this way.

“Isla,” I begin again.

“Still the lecture voice,” she mutters.

“Maybe it’s time for a lecture.”

“Whatever. I knew there was a hitch.”
