Page 28 of Small Town Sparks

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“Why?” Toby glared at him. “Because that fucking leech turned up to that Gala and found me, and then had the audacity to confront me like I fucking owe her anything, that’s why. It scared Camille and I had to calm her down. I had to smooth things over with everyone at that stupid party, I had to be the one to take care of everything myself all because?—.”

“Enough.” Sebastian stood before Toby. He took the glass from his hand, placed one hand on his shoulder and forced him to sit down. Then he pressed his coffee into Toby’s hand and set the alcohol out of reach.

Toby’s face turned purple for a moment as if he was about to explode, but it faded quickly as he stared down at the cup, and then his shoulders sagged.

“I… I’m sorry.”

Danny scooched to the end of his chair and eyed Toby worriedly. “Toby, did you sleep?”

“I haven’t had time. Camille was upset, she thinks Scarlett chose Lucas as a way to get in, a way to get closer to us and when she’s upset, Andrea is upset. She wants tougher security; she wants me to call the police on Scarlet.”

“No.” I surged forward. “Toby, she isn’t like that. I approached her. She had no idea who I was, that I’m a Monroe, never mind the fact we’re best friends. That’s—no, that’s not right.”

“How do you know?” Toby lifted his head and fixed his tired gaze on me. “I mean, how do you know it was random?”

“I approached her,” I assured him. “We never spoke about you, not once.” He understood Toby’s wariness; after all he was still processing the grief of his father’s sudden death and learning of his infidelity on top of that had to be insane. Grief did strange things to people, so I wasn’t going to judge my friend, but strangely, there was a desire to defend Scarlett too. She didn’t seem like the villain in this situation.

“And how well do you know her?” Toby asked, his voice hardening once more.

“I know… enough.”

“Besides,” Sebastian added. “If that was her plan, then blowing up like that at the Gala wouldn’t get her any closer regardless of who she tried to date. I have to agree with Lucas that this… I think you need to rest, Toby. Then approach this with a clear head.”

“She scared my wife, she doesn’t get away with that,” Toby snapped.

Scarlett’s trembling form popped into my mind, and I winced inwardly, glancing at Danny. Camille wasn’t the only one shaken by last night and Scarlett had no one on her side. I shifted in my seat but bit his tongue. That argument wasn’t worth it.

“Don’t any of you have any loyalty? A bit of tail wanders through and suddenly, you’re jumping to her defense.” The cup shook in Toby’s fist. “Need I remind you who she is, what she means? My entire Estate could be at risk because of her. My father abandoned her, and you know a court would love that if she took it that far. My life is at stake here. I need my friends.”

His pleading gaze drifted between all three of us and with it, a quiet understanding that our friendship and our group was where the loyalty was. Helping Toby was more important than a crush.

Or so I told myself.

“And the DNA test?” Danny spoke up. “What are you going to do?”

“It’ll come back false,” Toby assured him. “There’s no way we’re related. No way.”

Sebastian snorted suddenly, drawing everyone’s attention, and Toby raised a questioning brow.

“She might be softer than we’re used to in this life, but she had the smarts to charm her way into an Elite Galra and track you down. I’d say that’s Ashbluff blood if ever there was some,” Sebastian said. “She’s trying to protect her home, isn’t she? Why not just give it to her and move on?”

“Because it’s not hers,” Toby replied sharply. “That house belongs to us, but she doesn’t!”

Toby was so adamant. Was this really a scam? He was so certain but then again, he was sleep-deprived and drowning in grief. In the span of two hours, he lost his father and gained the weight of the entire Ashbluff Estate. That responsibility was supposed to be another ten years down the line. I couldn’t help but fear that Toby was misdirecting his anger onto the wrong thing.

“So?” I spoke up finally. “If it comes back true, what are you going to do?”

“Something else,” Toby replied sharply. “Something.”

Rising, he began to pace back and forth, following a faded line in the Persian rug beneath our feet. Then he paused and turned to all three of us, his eyes a little wild. Danny sent us all a concerned glance.

“You’re with me, aren’t you?”

“Of course, we are,” Sebastian replied. “We’ve been friends since you used to sneak us into the over-eighteen clubs on Freshers week. We’re here for you, Toby. Whatever you need. We’re just… concerned.”

“What?” Toby frowned deeply. “Why?”

“You’re going through a lot right now. Maybe the best course of action is just to take some time, catch a breath and?—.”
