Page 40 of Small Town Sparks

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My mind was silent, my heart hammering and my core aching. And beneath all that, a deeply satisfied warmth settled in my chest.

Never had I been so eager to please, and so satisfied when I was finished. Sebastian took my hand and slowly guided me up, then he tucked himself back into his pants.

“Do you feel bold now?”

“Oh, yes,” I nodded, my voice a little hoarse. He cupped my cheek and smoothed his thumb over the swell to wipe away a few escaped tears.

“You were amazing.”

“Thank you,” I replied. He seemed genuine and the softness from before was creeping back into his voice.

“Give me your phone.”

Removing it from my pocket, I offered it to him, and Sebastian quickly typed in his number. “Call me.”

“For the job,” I nodded. “I will.”

“No.” As he passed the phone back, he caught my chin and held my gaze with a single smile.

“Call me when you need to feel bold.”

Lily was not going to believe this!



“Is he here?”

“Who?” The secretary, the woman who had seen me a week and a half ago and seated me in that lovely waiting room, stared up at me over her square rims and arched one perfect brow.

“Matt,” I stated. “I need to speak to him.” I was done waiting around for Matt or Toby to contact me. While Sebastian’s methods in encouraging boldness had been… unique, it had worked. The very next day, I had turned up to Matt’s office with one clear demand.

“I’m sorry,” the secretary replied. “He only sees people via appointment.”

My spurt of confidence slowly started to waver. “Well, when is his next appointment?”

The secretary slowly looked me up and down, then turned to her computer. Her fingers flew over the keys, then she sighed irritably. “April 9th.”

“April?!” There was no way I could wait until then. I’d already put my life on hold for over a week for this mess. Any longer and I’d end up having that hotel bill hanging over my head too and that was an extremely unpleasant thought.

“There must be something else.”

“I’m sorry, that’s just not possible. Do you want the April 9th slot?” She stared up at me with a bored expression, and I bit back a noise of frustration.

Bold. Be bold.

“Is he here?” I glanced passed the desk to his closed office door.


“I’m sorry, I don’t believe you.” A surge of power moved through me, and I hurried away from the reception desk.

“Miss, you can’t go back there!”

Ignoring her, I reached Matt’s door, knocked twice, and shoved it open. Matt, in the middle of chowing down on a salad, jumped in fright at the intrusion and hurriedly dropped his fork while he chewed.

“Matt,” I declared. “We need to talk.”
