Page 43 of Small Town Sparks

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“I—,” I stammered, and Lucas nodded.

“I know, I’m sorry. I wanted you to have fun tonight, but my mother is just so—.” His words died as I grasped a handful of his shirt and wrenched him forward into a kiss. He squeaked in surprise, an adorable sound that drove my desire higher. I kissed him higher and after a second of shock, his hands found my waist and he kissed me back.

“I’m so hot for you right now,” I groaned out, keeping my voice low. To emphasize my point, I rolled my hips into his and when the kiss broke, I winked.

“You sure?” Lucas asked breathily.

“Lead the way, handsome.”



Icouldn’t keep my thoughts straight as Lucas dragged me quickly down the hall. Keeping my hands off of him felt impossible. He had defended me fiercely, and now all I wanted to do was climb on top of him and show how grateful I was.

Alcohol made me bold.

Scratch that; maybe it was Lucas making me feel so bold.

Either way, my heart was racing, and my body was heated by the time Lucas pulled us into the coat room. The door had barely closed behind us when I was back in his arms, kissing him hard and arching my entire body into his own.

“Holy shit,” Lucas gasped against my lips. “You fired up quickly.”

“You defended me,” I moaned softly through each kiss. “I can’t explain how hot that was.” Stumbling through the dull light, unsteady steps carried us past the coat rack until the edge of the bed pressed against Lucas’ knees, and he pulled us both down. I landed in a sea of heavenly silk and luxuriously soft furs and giggled.

“Why do you have a bed in the coat room?”

“It’s a spare room,” Lucas explained, kissing down my jaw. “It’s just easier access for the small parties.”

“Mmm, makes sense,” I moaned. As Lucas kissed a damp path down my throat, I skimmed one hand over the silk beneath me. It was like skimming my hand along the top of water and my tipsy brain almost couldn’t compute the difference. My other hand cupped the side of Lucas’ neck and then dipped down to push his shirt away. I traced my fingertips over the warm skin beneath, but when Lucas shoved a thigh between my legs, pushing my dress up, I grunted and lightly pushed at his shoulders.

“I want to be on top.”

“Don’t need to ask me twice,” Lucas chuckled. His breath tickled over the kisses he pressed to my collar bone, then he slid a strong arm around my waist and flipped us over. As I landed on top of his hips, my hair swept down over one shoulder and created a dark curtain that hid us from the soft glow of the moonlight streaming in the bay window across the room.

Both his hands settled on my hips. I anchored myself on Lucas’ belt, gripping tightly while I leaned down and pressed a series of heated, desperate kisses to his mouth. Each one lingered a half second longer, each one eager for another taste as if I was addicted.

Part of me felt like I was.

Rocking my hips down, I straightened up and tipped my head back with a moan. The bugle of Lucas’ hidden cock beneath me was tantalizing. Lucas ran his hands over my body, stroking up to grope my breasts and caress my stomach, then one hand slid down to grasp my bare thigh and push my dress up further.

“I can’t wait any longer,” I gasped. Both hands fumbled with Lucas’ belt and zipper, my fingers shaking slightly from impatience. I wanted to feel him inside me, wanted to sink into that depth of pleasure and chase the excited spark that he had ignited. It took a few seconds before the leather slipped open, and Lucas’ hips rose to aid in the pushing down of his pants. The movement, however, lurched me upward, and I squealed in surprise, then we both burst into hushed giggling.

“I’m sorry,” Lucas laughed. He cupped my face with one hand, catching some of my hair at the same time, and guided me down for a kiss. Our smiling mouths met, and I allowed him to lead the kiss just long enough for my hand to slip beneath his waistline, grab his cock and guide it free from the fabric. Then I stroked one from base to tip and Lucas melted into a soft, needy moan.

“Fuck,” I gasped, “you’re so cute.”

“Sure,” Lucas whimpered, “so are you.”

“Mhmm.” Impatience won out. I quickly pulled my panties to the side, lined his thick cock up with my soaked pussy, and sank down with a single long groan that split the air like a musical note. Lucas’ hands shot to my hips, gripping like iron as I closed my eyes and leaned back.

Every thick inch of Lucas split me open in the best way. My breath hitched, my heart raced, and the deep yearning ache in my core was finally satisfied. I whimpered, both hands curling into Lucas’ crisp shirt as I became fully seated. Lucas’ cock twitched inside me, his breaths growing faster and more audible beneath me. He filled me so full that my next breath felt restricted like there wasn’t enough room for him and air inside me.

I chose him.

“Holy… shit!” Lucas gasped out.

With that, I began to move. My knees sank into the silk puddle around me, and I rocked up, eyes closing blissfully at the drag of Lucas’ cock. Right to the crown, I lifted myself, then dropped back down, and a pleased sound punched out of Lucas. From there, I set a greedy rhythm and rode Lucas as hard and eager as possible.
