Page 55 of Small Town Sparks

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In a way, the rose would be perfect. The best way to test the waters, the best way to show that I wanted more than these fleeting experiences. And if they turned me down then better to do it now than when love had made itself known.

“So, three roses?” Lily repeated, drawing me back out of my thoughts.

“Okay, yeah. Three.”

“At the very least you’ll get to see if they respect your traditions,” Lily chuckled.

“That is true.”

Drinks finished, Lily stood and stretched with a groan. “Alright love, I gotta head back and finish this centerpiece. Are you going to be alright?”

“Yes of course!” I smiled and blew kisses at the screen. “I miss you.”

“Miss you too!”

There was an eeriness to the silence that fell when the call ended, and my heart clenched slightly. I did miss Lily, I missed home. With any luck, I’d be able to wrap up this will nonsense quickly and be back home by Valentine’s Day.

Hopefully with three promises.

Smiling to myself at the thought, I buried under my blanket and turned on the television, then paused as my phone buzzed. Expecting another bullying text from Shane, I only half glanced at it and then did a double-take. My heart leaped up into my throat and a prickling shiver washed down my spine.

It was from Toby.

‘Scarlett, I would like the opportunity to apologize to you in person. Please come to dinner. We have a lot to talk about.’



Dinner with Toby was more extravagant than I had imagined.

Arriving at his townhouse, I had picked out a simple, flowy, purple dress, with short chiffon sleeves and purple beading down the bodice I had stitched in myself. It was the most respectable dress I had brought with me, and there was definitely something comforting about wearing something familiar to a place I was unsure I would even be welcomed.

Taking a deep breath, I knocked on the ornate wooden door that seemed to stretch for miles above me and waited.

My heart ran rabbit fast beneath my ribs. I smoothed my clammy palms down the front of my dress, carefully balancing the bottle of wine I had brought with me. That had been Lily’s idea. The perfect way to keep the peace was to turn up with a gift; that idea had been the only thing out of our entire conversation that had stuck with me. Everything else had been lost to nerves.

Suddenly, the door in front of me clunked and swung open. A tall, older man stood before me dressed in a smart charcoal suit. A triangle of blue sat tucked into the upper pocket of his jacket, and a wiry moustache twitched as he regarded me.

“Yes, Miss?”

“Hi—I mean, good evening. My name is Scarlett, I’m here for… dinner?” Did I have the right place? I checked the number on the door for the umpteenth time, just in case. Thankfully, the doorman nodded and smiled, and then stepped aside while sweeping one arm outward.

“Yes, you are expected. Come in.”

I stepped over the threshold with a smile, immediately enveloped in an inviting warmth. Before I could utter a word, the shawl around my shoulders was removed by the doorman and he folded it neatly over one arm.

“If you could follow me.”

It sounded like a question, but he was already walking away. I took a deep breath, clutched the wine bottle tighter, and hurried after him, suddenly very conscious of how my heels clacked loudly down the marble hallway.

I had thought Lucas’ parents' home was lavish, but this place took the biscuit. Pale walls stretched impossibly high to a cream ceiling painted with swirls of gold flowers. Large, glimmering chandeliers lined the hallway, sweeping down and out of sight. Large, intricate paintings hung on the walls, and every few feet, framing each doorway, stood tall stone pillars carved into spirals. The floor was so polished that I found myself almost walking on my tiptoes so as not to soil the hard work of whoever managed to get a gleaming reflection out of that stone.

This was richness beyond even my greatest dreams.

The doorman led me to a set of white double doors with gleaming gold handles. Pushing them open, he swept inside and cleared his throat.

“Mr. Ashbluff? Your guest.”
