Page 63 of Small Town Sparks

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Normally, we wouldn’t pay attention to such things but there was a distinct, familiar spark to the tones that all three of us recognized.

A voice that pulled my gut south in concern.

“Scarlett?” I breathed out softly.

Halfway down the next street, illuminated in the orange glow of the streetlight above, stood Scarlett. Her brow was pinched and her stance rigid as she seemed to be caught up in some sort of argument with a tall man in front of her. Everything about her body indicated she wanted to get as far away from him as possible but as soon as she took a step back, the man’s hand shot out and grabbed her arm.

Lucas broke into a sprint before I could even register that he had moved, then me and Sebastian ran after him. My heart leaped up into my mouth as the man pulled Scarlett closer to him, and a hundred thoughts and concerns flooded through his mind.

Namely, how badly I wanted to break his face for grabbing her like that.

Whoever this guy was, he was not walking away.

Lucas reached them first, and he didn’t hesitate. He launched himself at the stranger and together, they crashed down onto the ground as a squeal of alarm escaped Scarlett. I arrived a minute later and clasped Scarlett’s shoulder; she whirled around with wide eyes, and behind her, Lucas began punching the ever-loving shit out of the asshole trying to mug her.

“Scarlett!” Sebastian barked her name, concern lilting his words. “Are you alright?”

“Fuckin’ scumbag,” Lucas snarled.

“Are you okay?” I asked. “Did he steal anything?”

“Steal anything?” Scarlett gasped, quickly processing that we were all here, then she whirled around to where Lucas was still punching the stranger. “No! He’s not a mugger. He’s, my ex!”

Silence fell and Lucas’ fist paused in mid-air. Blood poured from the man’s nose and mouth and an angry snarl escaped him when Lucas climbed off of him.

“Shit, I’m sorry,” Lucas began. “I didn’t know. We just saw you looked uncomfortable, and then he grabbed you and?—.”

Scarlett brushed past Lucas and reached for the man, trying to help him to his feet but he slapped her hands away.

“Shane—,” she tried but he barked an angry noise at her.

“Fuck off,” Shane growled, pressing a hand to his flowing nose. “What the fuck? Who the fuck attacks people like that?”

“We thought you were a mugger,” Sebastian clarified in a tone usually reserved for his work calls. “Easy mistake.”

This was her ex. Shane.

I cast my mind back to our coffee date and Scarlett’s words on how this guy struggled to take no for an answer. My own ex had had the same problem and just thinking of how often she turned up in unwanted places twisted my gut. My hand reached back out to Scarlett, stepping up against her to provide as much comfort as I could.

“Mistake?” Shane scoffed thickly, wrestling with his blood flow. “Who the fuck even are you? Fucking Batman or some shit.”

“They’re my friends,” Scarlett spoke up, and I felt a slight pang of distaste at the word. I understood though, especially facing down Shane.

“Bullshit,” Shane growled, and he turned to the side, spitting up a mouthful of blood onto the pavement. Lucas grumbled slightly, shaking his hand that bloomed purple from the blows.

“They are,” Scarlett insisted. “Not that it’s any of your business, but we’re friends. In fact, I’m even going to work for one of them.”

“You’re such a fucking liar. I knew I should have got here sooner. You just can’t help yourself, can you? Spreading your legs for the first limp dick that walks by.”

“Hey!” Lucas snapped. “What is wrong with you?”

“How would you react if your girlfriend cheated on you, huh?” Shane yelled sharply.

“Scarlett is single,” Sebastian said, stepping forward. “As I understand it, she’s been single for a while, and you were the one cheating. How she chooses to spend her time is no business of yours, and even if she was cheating on you, this is no way to approach someone.”

“She’s not?—.”

“Shane! Listen to me!” Scarlett’s cheeks flushed red, and she quickly wet her lips. “If my calls and texts weren’t enough, then listen to me right here. We are over. We’ve been over for weeks and there is nothing that is going to change that. So just let it go, okay? Stop fucking stalking me across the country and leave me alone!”
